Pint of Science Bergen is Recruiting Volunteers

Dear All,

My name is Inés, and I serve as the Bergen city coordinator for Pint of Science in Norway.

We are recruiting volunteers to help us find speakers and organise the next festival. You can find more information about volunteering at

Our flagship event is the Pint of Science festival, which simultaneously takes place in various cities worldwide. This festival offers a platform for local young researchers to present their work to the public in an engaging, comprehensible, and enjoyable manner, often in the relaxed setting of a bar. In essence, it’s an opportunity for researchers to showcase their creative brilliance and share their enthusiasm for their work in a way that’s less “scientific.”If you’d like to learn more about our organisation, please visit our website at

Mark your calendars for next year’s festival, scheduled for May 13th-15th, 2024.

If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to reach out. We greatly appreciate your attention and support.


Warm regards,

Inés Fournon Berodia

On behalf of the Pint of Science Bergen Team

City Coordinator

Pint of Science BergenContact:ines.fournon@pintofscience.noWebsite:https://www.pintofscience.noTwitter:@pintofsciencenNOInstagram:@pintofsciencenNO