Greetings from the department – 27.10.2023

Hello from the study administration!

Now a lot is happening in the near future! We in the study section are well underway with planning for the spring and there will probably be questions from us about the spring class and exam plans for those who will be teaching in the spring. The timetables will be published together with the curriculum literature on 1 December. The deadline for entering the syllabus in Leganto for spring 24 is 1 November, let us know if there are any challenges in getting the Leganto lists corrected.

Anne, Anne Marit and I have been working on the course budgets for spring 2024 and information will be released to each individual course in charge [emneansvarlig]  fairly soon. Please be reminded that if you need PhDs for your course, it is the group leader [faggruppeleder] who is responsible for distributing the PhD’s teaching hours.

We have a relatively large number of master’s students on various programs who will submit their master’s thesis 20 November, we will contact the supervisors when the students have submitted the thesis and start to plan the master’s exam from there. Please be reminded that if the external examiner is not in Bergen, the exam will be digital, we do not pay for travel and accommodation for the examiner. We have blocked out 30 November and 1 December in the calendar so that everyone will have the opportunity to join the Teachers’ Gathering at Voss, we are looking forward to it!

I would like to encourage everyone who has the opportunity to join the Information meeting for funding schemes for quality in higher education. Anne has published the call for proposals in Teaching at BIO-team. We have an incredible number of exciting things going on at the department, and at Popvit in the library. On 2 November, some of our biology students will ask the question “Does nature in Bergen store more carbon than elsewhere in the country?” See more here:

Hope everyone has a sunny weekend!

Beate Ulrikke