Dear all,
We are a large department and depend on a set of information channels to distribute information as effectively and with as little spam/noise as possible:
- The newsletter – Bionytt
- Joint e-mail lists
- Teams-groups
Distribution of information to the entire department
When it comes to information to be communicated to the entire department, Bionytt is the primary channel. The newsletter is sent out every Friday, often enough that the vast majority of information can be disseminated in a reasonable time. If you have information that is urgent, this can be sent to the editors for distribution via the joint e-mail lists.
- We therefore encourage everyone to send all information to be shared with the entire institute to the Bionytt editorial team:
- The editors will distribute urgent information via e-mail if necessary
- Purely private information will not be passed on
- Submission deadline: Thursday at 12 for information to be published in the same week
Distribution of information within a group
Communication within the individual teams/groups in Teams is handled internally within the team. The same applies to the distribution of information on joint e-mail lists linked to a faggruppe or specific groups of employees – e.g. tech-bio and the PhD list. But in general we encourage everyone to
- Limit yourself to information that is relevant to the group
- Avoid distributing private information in the public channels