UiB Climate Fund: BIO receives support for a roof garden and a bicycle day!

The department has applied and received support from the University of Bergen’s Climate Fund for two projects in 2024:

  • 75.000 NOK to establish a roof garden at Thormøhlensgate 53A (Biologen, A-block).  We have to prepare and maintain the garden ourselves, in collaboration with the Estate and Facilities Management division (EIA).
  • 20.000 NOK for a bicycle day.

The climate fund is one of the measures that shall contribute to us reaching the goal that the university be climate neutral by 2030:

The fund shall finance measures that support the work to ensure a more environmentally and climate friendly university. Either through direct reduction of UiB’s climate footprint, or by motivating students and employees to participate in a joint “environment and climate dugnad”.

During the bicycle day, we will bring in a repairman who can service the bikes, and if everything goes well there will also be an opportunity to clean your bike. Then there will also be a social event with simple catering. And even if the negotiations are not finalised, we have good faith that we can get a deal to secure nice weather!

When it comes to the roof garden, we need both good input, knowledge and volunteers to work on the preparation and maintenance of the garden. One or more enthusiasts already have a small cultivation project going on up there, we hope more will contribute to creating a small green oasis for everyone’s enjoyment. We will come back with a more concrete inquiry in a little while, but please feel free to get in touch with Nina Hølland (nina.holland@uib.no) if you want to contribute.

Some proposals have already been discussed and rejected, such as a bonzai style mini-taiga, an artificial tundra with solar-powered cooling or a zip line between the A and B buildings. But we are certain that we can achieve a lot of other nice things!