Hi all! A few weeks ago, the defibrillator we had on the first floor of Biologen was stolen. We have now received a new one, but to prevent this from happening again, we have made the decision to move it…
Author: mbika
The Dean’s blog Nov 6th 2024
Statsbudsjettet viser at vi må bygge sterkere allianser.
NatTech: Nomination of candidates for the dissemination award 2024
[Our translation] Through the dissemination award of NOK. NOK 20,000, the faculty wishes to highlight the faculty’s dissemination. The award will go to one or more people who have made an extraordinary effort to communicate the results of high-quality research…
Hearing – proposal to amend the climate act: The government’s proposal for Norway’s new climate target for 2035
[Our translation] We refer to the attached invitation to give input to the Government’s proposal to amend the Climate Act and new climate target for 2035 by 1 January 2025. Hoering_forslag_om_endring_av_klimaloven.Regjeringens_klimamaal_2025 [Norwegian language] We ask that the relevant scientific…
Info about Meltzer awards for 2024 – nomination deadline December 1st
[Our translation] We would like to inform you that in 2024 the nomination deadline for proposers to nominate candidates for the Meltzer Prizes will be 1 December 2024. On March 8, 2025, the Meltzer Foundation will award 3 prizes: The…
Mon 11. Nov – Webinar: Do we need approval of artificial intelligence research?
[Our translation] The national research ethics committee for natural sciences and technology (NENT) invites you to an open webinar on 11 November.Webinar: Do we need approval of artificial intelligence research? Practical info Time: 11. November, kl. 15.00-16.00 Link: Zoom-link will…
Tue 12. Nov. MolBio seminar by Professor Anders Molven
From proteotoxicity to pancreatic cancer: Lessons from the CEL gene 9.15-10.00 the “N-terminal” (room 439C1), 4. floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Wed 13. Nov. PhD mid-term presentation, Monisha Barate
The role of ecology, historical climate change and tectonic events on the evolution and diversification of extant rocky-shore marine species: The case of Smaragdinella snails 12.15-13.00 The seminar room, Michael Sars Centre, 2. floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Thu 14. Nov. PhD trial lecture, Haohang Fang
Nutritionally challenges when changing from animal based to plant based ingredients in fish feeds 8.15-9.00 Zoom webinar: https://tinyurl.com/2sd8c3df
Selskapet til vitenskapenes fremme – To spennende foredrag i November!
Torsdag 14. November: Barn i fattige familier i Norge Tid og sted:Litteraturhuset i Bergen , torsdag 14. november klokken 18:00. Arrangementet er gratis og åpent for alle. Onsdag 20. November: Framtidens velferd. Omsorgs-roboter eller lokale almenninger? Tid og sted:Litteraturhuset i…