Openness, transparency, and knowledge exchange are core values for the University of Bergen. Open science is important for the development of knowledge, to ensure the integrity of research and to enhance the availability of research findings. Through increased collaboration on…
Category: Courses and training
Personal promotion to Professor 2023
Eligible candidates may now submit applications for personal promotion to professor. Application deadline: 15. september 2023. Please find further info and application form here: Personal promotion to Professor | Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet | UiB
Invitation to course for Teaching Assistants, August 14th and 15th 2023
bioCEED and BIO invite all PhDs and Teaching Assistants at BIO to attend this course on teaching and learning for teaching assistants. We recommend all teaching assistants and PhD with teaching responsibilities at BIO to take this course.
DIGI (Digital forståelse, kunnskap og kompetanse) course package for staff
Norwegian language Universitetet i Bergen er først ut i Norge, og er unik i europeisk sammenheng, med emnepakken DIGI (Digital forståelse, kunnskap og kompetanse) som ble lansert høsten 2022. Pakken inneholder åtte 2,5 studiepoenggivende emner i digital forståelse, kunnskap og…
Introduction to Paopto – digital course May 23rd 10.30
Panopto now replaces Kaltura (My videos) as the video platform in Mitt UiB. The supplier will hold a 90-minute course for all new users on Tuesday 23 May at 10:30, via Zoom. The course will take place in English. You…
Talk about your research in the media
Norwegian language 12.30-15.00 Media City Bergen Vil du bli tryggere på å snakke om forskningen din på TV, i radio eller podkast? Les mer om kurset og meld deg på her.