Category: Communication

Successful CONFECT symposium August 22-23

The meeting brought together researchers who use both quantitative and experimental methods in virus ecology and evolution from around the world (New Zealand and New Caledonia included), and it was a very successful meeting with room for good discussions.

Summer news – XXXIV EAVA Congress

We greatly appreaciate that many of our scientific staff continue to be active and relevant in their field after retiring.  As a recent example, Harald Kryvi gave the introductory tak at the XXXIV EAVA Congress  (European Association of Veterinary Anatomists,…

New from the journal Naturen

Norwegian language Tidsskriftet Naturen har tildelt Fægriprisen for 2022 til Lars Egil Helseth fra Universitetet i Bergen for artikkelen “Smarttelefonen som utendørs redskap”. Artikkelen ligger åpent tilgjengelig for alle ut februar.

Skriv for Naturen!

Norwegian language Er du ph.d.-student ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet? Da er det mange gode grunner til at du bør skrive en artikkel for tidsskriftet Naturen: