Category: NatTek news

Here you will find information and news from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MatNat).

Ugleprisen is awarded to BIO’s Poster Symposium

[Our translation] Institutt for biovitenskap ved Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi vant Ugleprisen 2024. Tildelingen skjedde ved utdanningsutvalgets årlige studiekvalitetsseminar, fredag. – Fantastic and well deserved! This group has worked hard to give the students the opportunity to present their…

Biobase – new website for BIO-coordinated SFI initiative

The Communication Divison and Faculty of Science and Technology recently published a website presenting the SFI-initiative Biobase, led by Ivar Rønnestad. The Biology Based Innovation Centre for Salmon Welfare and Survival (BioBase) initiative will investigate the biological constrains of Atlantic…