Hello everyone! My name is Freya, and I’m just starting a PhD in terrestrial ecology with Dr Adéle Mennerat as my supervisor. I’m Scottish, but I moved to Bergen in 2019 after completing a Masters of Research in ecology from…
Category: BIO News
Mon 9. Sept. PhD trial lecture, Sahar Sartipiyarahmadi
Is soybean really a sustainable raw material? And can terrestrial ingredients be viable alternatives for salmonid aquaculture production? Explain within the context of resource efficiency and aspects of bio-economy 12.15-13.00 Seminar room K1/K2, Block A, Biologen
Tue Sept 10. Master’s presentation, Iselin Johsen Steinshamn
In vitro experiments with fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) fibroblasts and in silico studies of cytochrome P450 proteins 13.00-13.30 The Incubator (room 439C1), 4th floor, Bioblokken, TM55
Thur Oct 3. The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board, Breakfast meeting: Polar bears and whales in a petri dish
[Our translation/Google translate] Large mammals play an important role in marine ecosystems, but predators high in the food chain are particularly exposed to environmental toxins. Anders Goksøyr and Sofie Søderstrøm at the University of Bergen talk about how we can…
Greetings from the Department – 30.08.2024
Dear all, After eight years as head of department at UiB’s largest and best department, I now say thank you. The role of head of department at BIO is a condition that has characterized life every day these eight years.…
Report study plan changes or raise an issue to the program board?
Study plan changes for courses to be taught in spring 2025? September is approaching and program board meetings for all the study programs at the Department of Biological Sciences. This means that the deadline for registering study plan changes for…
Mon 2. Sept. Presentation of master’s thesis: Christina Marie Ingdal
Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Parr-Smolt Transformation and Seawater Performance in Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar L.): Flow Through Systems versus Resiculating Aquaculture Systems 10.15-10.45 Digital – contact Hilde.Armo@uib.no for link
Thu 5. Sept. PhD defense Maria Eleni Kokkali
Metabolic pathways and physiological functions of organic and inorganic trace minerals in Atlantic Salmon 10.15-12.45 Stort auditorium, Datablokken Les Marialenas pressemelding
Thu 5. Sep. PhD defense, Maaike Zwier
Winds of change A. multi-proxy approach to constrain Holocene climate and wind dynamics in the sub-Antarctic 14.15-15.45 Lille auditorium, Datablokken
Fri 6 Sept. Presentation of master’s thesis, Vincent Toby Mcdaniel
Helminth Parasites of Jellyfish: Diversity across Northeast Atlantic Waters and Dynamics in two Norwegian Fjords 10.15-10.45 Styrehuset, 2. floor, A-blokken, Biologen