Title: Molecular mechanisms of dosage compensation in Drosophila and mammals Evaluation Committee: Professor Eric Thompson, Associate Professor Gyri Teien Haugland, Professor Fabian Rentzsch Time and place Friday, 26th Aug at 10:15, Zoomwebinar https://tinyurl.com/2p9ekhu4 All are welcome
Category: BIO News
Plass på forskningsinstallasjoner ved BIO, Marineholmen RASLab og innenfor driftsavtalen UiB/ILAB høstsemesteret 2022
Norwegian language only Søknadene må være de respektive ansvarlige i hende innen 20. august. https://mitt.uib.no/courses/11056/files/4380549/download?download_frd=1Søknadsskjema: Alle som arbeider med forsøksdyr skal ha godkjent kurs i forsøksdyrlære, dette gjelder også masterstudenter. Planlagte kurs for forskere, teknikere og masterstudenter finner du her:…
Greetings from the Department – 22.08.2022
Hello everyone, Welcome back after the summer holidays. Hope it has been good despite the somewhat miserable weather conditions here in the west. It’s still a little quiet in the corridors, but next week we have lift off for the…
BIO Reception week 25-26-27
In weeks 25-26 and 27, the BIO reception will have reduced staffing. Each faggruppe must organize themselves so that packages are picked up when Claudia is not physically present in the expedition.
Greetings from the Department – 17.06.2022
Dear all, Monday and Tuesday this week there was a teachers’ meeting, organized and funded by bioCEED. I was there and am left with many impressions. Perhaps most importantly, it was very inspiring to see so many committed colleagues discussing…
Alumnustreff – Gjensyn Jahnebakken
Only available in Norwegian language Alumnus treffet 21.mai 2022 hadde som føresetnad å samla så mange som mogeleg av dei som vart Cand. real eller Cand. scient. i åra fram til Instituttet vart flytta frå Jahnebakken 5 og til Marineholmen.…
Ann Kristin Frøyset is our new HSE-coordinator
We are very pleased that Ann Kristin Frøyset has agreed to take over as HSE coordinator after Evy Foss Skjoldal, who resigns from her position as chief engineer at the department on 15 June.
Results of the Department council election
New members of the Department council has been elected, representing group B (temporarily employed staff in teaching and research positions) and group D (students). You can find some info on each of the representatives on the election webpage.
9. June. Master’s presentation, Linn Flesland
Greetings from the Department – 2. June 2022
Now the days are hectic for all of us; so hectic that we may sometimes slip. For that reason, we sound that we suddenly had very limited time to register research groups for NFR’s forthcoming BIOfag evaluation. I wish we…