The role of ecology, historical climate change and tectonic events on the evolution and diversification of extant rocky-shore marine species: The case of Smaragdinella snails 12.15-13.00 The seminar room, Michael Sars Centre, 2. floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Category: BIO News
Thu 14. Nov. PhD trial lecture, Haohang Fang
Nutritionally challenges when changing from animal based to plant based ingredients in fish feeds 8.15-9.00 Zoom webinar:
Greetings from the Department 31.10.2024
A topic that has concerned me for a long time is the challenging conditions for basic research in Norway. In our “faggruppe”, Microbiology, most of the work is focused on basic research, which is also the case for many other…
Our call to the countries of the world – the nature summit in Cali
[Our translation9 Towards the UN’s nature summit COP16, which is currently underway in Colombia, UiB professors Vigdis Vandvik and Inger Elisabeth Måren have made eight calls to the government. They emphasize the importance of following up on the nature agreement…
How can Stortinget raise the level of ambition for Norwegian nature?
This question is asked by the authors Ingunn Elise Myklebust, Professor in law science, UiB, Marit Ruge Bjærke, Researcher at the Department of archeology, history, culture and religion, UiB and Vigdis Vandvik, Professor in biology, UiB in this column in Rett…
Greetings from the Department – 25.10.2024
For BIO, teaching is one of our core activities. Facilitating students’ completion of their planned studies in the best possible way is a significant part of our social mission. It’s about more than numbers and finances—it’s about creating a learning…
Head of department Ståle joins the BIO325 cruise in Masfjorden
On Monday 7 October I was able to take part in a trip with G.O.Sars, together with Katja, Frank and Heikki who had students from BIO325 (Marine Science) on board. It was a great honor for me to get an…
Appointment of safety delegates and substitutes for 2025-2026
Department of Biological Sciences is divided into 5 safety areas. A safety delegate and substitute safety delegate has recently been appointed for each safety are for the period of 2025-2026:
Registration for HSE-meeting and Christmas party November 25th – reminder!
Dear colleagues! Below is a skjemaker to fill out for the HSE-meeting and Christmas party that will be held on the 25th of November. The HSE-meeting will be at VilVite from 12:00 to 16:00. The Christmas party will be at Lanternen from 17:00…
Mon 28 Oct. PhD mid-term presentation, Taraneh Westerling
Species and size composition of pelagic and demersal ecosystems determined by visual sampling methods 9.00-9.45 Seminar rom K3, 1st floor, Biologen, B-block