Dear all, it is a great pleasure to invite you all to One Ocean Week 2024 – starting Saturday 13th of April and lasting until Friday night 19th of April.
Category: Calendar
Seminar series at the University Museum during One Ocean Week
There will be a series of seminars given at The University Museum during OneOcean week, make sure to catch these if you are interested in marine biodiversity! LINK:
Tue 16 Apr, guest seminar. Adaptive radiation on oceanic islands: Isolation and connection, repeatability and serendipity by Rosemary Gillespie
Adaptive radiation on oceanic islands: Isolation and connection, repeatability and serendipity Date and time: Tuesday 16.04.2024 at 10:00 Speaker. Dr. Rosemary Gillespie (UC Berkeley) Place: Seminar room K1/K2, Biologen blokk A
Kunnskapseplet 18. april: How do hydrogen explosions sound and look like?
Welcome to Kunnskapseplet popular science talks next Thursday 18th of April! PhD candidate Melodia Lucas will speak about hydrogen explosions in the talk “How do hydrogen explosions sound and look like?” The lecture will be in English. Coffee and cookies…
Fri 19. Apr. PhD trial lecture, Thomas Stevenson
Liquid-liquid phase separation in The Nuclear Compartment: implications for gene expression, chromatin organization and ribosomal biogenesis 11.15-12.00 Inkubatoren – room 439C1, 4. floor, Bioblokken, TM55
Nature crisis versus climate crisis? Trade-offs within sustainability
Naturkrise mot klimakrise? Avveininger innen bærekraft Understanding the big picture of sustainability is a challenging task. While solutions to many problems seem obvious when examined in isolation, upon closer examination we realize that there are tensions between different sustainability goals.…
MolBio seminar, Nora Solheim: A dual binary system for investigating microenvironmental influence on metastasis in vivo
Kunnskapseplet 21. mars kl 14:15: Plantebasert kosthold: hva innebærer det og er det bra for alle?
Tue 12. mar. MOLbio-seminar, Øyvind Strømland
Breaking NAD+, hydrolysis and signaling When: 9.15-10.00 Where: Room 439C1, 4. floor, Bioblokken (TM55, “Inkubatoren”)
Mobilization seminar: AI for trust and sustainability
When: 10. April 10-14 Where: Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5 Sign-up deadline: 2. april Read more and register here [Norwegian language]