We (ELIXIR Norway and Digital Life Norway) are pleased to announce the Life Science RDM course for current and future life scientists in Norway.
Category: Research
UH-nett Vest, call: Support for network and project development for 2023
Our translation: UH-nett Vest has developed a support scheme that will help strengthen interaction and build strong relationships between academia and external actors in Western Norway. The support will be given as seed funds for network building, project development and…
MIT and University of Bergen launch Global Seed Fund for humanities and social sciences research
Application deadline: 12. December 2023 Read the news issue with links to information for applicants here
Application for field trials with genetically edited sterile salmon (GMO) on consultation
Our translation: The Norwegian Environment Agency will inform you that an application for field trials with genetically edited sterile salmon (GMO) is under consultation. All information about the consultation can be found on this website (Norwegian language).
What happens to biodiversity in rivers? Article in Nature
Norwegian language Hva skjer med biologisk mangfold i elver? Vi har undersøkt utviklingen av biologisk mangfold i Europas elver de siste 55 årene. I studien analyserte vi trender i biologisk mangfold av insekter og andre vannlevende smådyr ved hjelp av…
USA next year? Application deadline for Fulbright stipend for 2024-25 October 1st
Please be reminded that the application deadline for Fulbright stipends for the USA for the academic year of 2024-25 is October 1st 2023 About. 30 scholarships are offered, in all disciplines at Master’s, PhD, post-doc and senior researcher level. Scholarship…
Horizon Europe: Your pathway to collaborative projects. UiB event October 3rd 2023
Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5, 3 October, 2023
Successful CONFECT symposium August 22-23
The meeting brought together researchers who use both quantitative and experimental methods in virus ecology and evolution from around the world (New Zealand and New Caledonia included), and it was a very successful meeting with room for good discussions.
Norwegian Reserach Council: ERC Proposal Reading Day in Bergen 12. September
The Research Council of Norway organises “ERC Proposal Reading Days” for researchers who are planning an application to the European Research Council (ERC). There will be two sessions in Bergen September 12th: ERC Proposal Reading Day in Bergen – morning…
UH-nett Vest, call: Funds for networking and project development for 2023
Norwegian language UH-nett Vest har utviklet en støtteordning som skal bidra til å styrke samhandlingen og bygge sterke relasjoner mellom akademia og eksterne aktører på Vestlandet. Støtten skal gis som såkornsmidler til nettverksbygging, prosjektutvikling og formidlingsaktivitet. Søknadsdatabasen vil åpne 1.…