Category: Consultations

Call for Evidence – The European Oceans Pact

Today the European Commission has launched a call for evidence to shape the European Oceans Pact, a political initiative that aims to promote sustainable ocean management and ensure the health, resilience, and productivity of the oceans and thus the prosperity of the…

Consultation – adjustment of the REACH-regulation – implementation of restrictions on N.N-dimethylacetamide (DMAC) and 1-ethylpyrrolidin-2-one (NEP) etc.

This consultation has been forwarded by the Faculty of Science and Technology [Norwegian language]: Hoeing_Endring_REACH-forskriften_gjennomfoering_av_restriksjon_om_N.N-dimetylacetamid (DMAC)_og_1-etylpyrrolidin-2-on (NEP) mv Please contact the department’s management if you believe it is relevant and important that the department provides consultation input on the matter.

Voluntary forest protection – Bermål in Lærdal

[Our translation.  Letter is in Norwegian language] The purpose of this letter is to inform about the process which is now starting up under the Natural Diversity Act, and to invite participation and input from relevant parties. The deadline for…