Today the European Commission has launched a call for evidence to shape the European Oceans Pact, a political initiative that aims to promote sustainable ocean management and ensure the health, resilience, and productivity of the oceans and thus the prosperity of the…
Category: Consultations
Consultation – adjustment of the REACH-regulation – implementation of restrictions on N.N-dimethylacetamide (DMAC) and 1-ethylpyrrolidin-2-one (NEP) etc.
This consultation has been forwarded by the Faculty of Science and Technology [Norwegian language]: Hoeing_Endring_REACH-forskriften_gjennomfoering_av_restriksjon_om_N.N-dimetylacetamid (DMAC)_og_1-etylpyrrolidin-2-on (NEP) mv Please contact the department’s management if you believe it is relevant and important that the department provides consultation input on the matter.
For your information – OECD hearing on development of unique codes for genetically modified animals. Input deadline 6. December.
[Our translation] The Norwegian Environment Agency advises that the OECD (The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) is asking for input into its work on the development of unique codes for genetically modified animals.
Hearing – proposal to amend the climate act: The government’s proposal for Norway’s new climate target for 2035
[Our translation] We refer to the attached invitation to give input to the Government’s proposal to amend the Climate Act and new climate target for 2035 by 1 January 2025. Hoering_forslag_om_endring_av_klimaloven.Regjeringens_klimamaal_2025 [Norwegian language] We ask that the relevant scientific…
Hearing on proposals for a new law on the protection of marine nature outside territorial waters
[Norwegian language] Dato 16. mai 2024 – Vår ref 24/1914 Klima- og miljødepartementet sender med dette på høring forslag til ny lov om vern av marin natur utenfor territorialfarvannet.
Invitation to give input to the Norwegian Environment Agency’s screening program for new, unregulated chemical substances
[Our translation] Hello We invite you/your institution to provide input to the Norwegian Environment Agency’s screening program for new, unregulated chemical substances. As last year, we are trying to change the input round somewhat, and hope this will contribute to…
For your information: Hearing – NOU 2024:2 In interaction with nature – Natural risks for industries, sectors and society in Norway
[Our translation (using google translate)] The Ministry of Climate and Environment invites the university to provide input to NOU 2024:2 In interaction with nature — Natural risks for industries, sectors and society in Norway by 15 June. The faculties are…
[Norwegian language] På vegne av Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet sender Mattilsynet ut forslag til endring av forskrift 17.juni 2008 nr 822 om drift av akvakulturanlegg (akvakulturdriftsforskriften). Forslaget til endringer gjelder bestemmelse om rensefisk i § 28. Dere finner høringsdokumentene her: Regelverksutvikling…
Consultation of proposals for new conservation rules and boundaries for the Herdla nature reserve – new consultation parties
[Norwegian language] Vi viser til vedlagte dokument vedrørande høyring av forslag til nye vernereglar og grenser for Herdla naturreservat som blei sendt ut rett før påske. I ettertid ser vi at det mangla nokre høyringspartar på lista, så vi ettersender…
Voluntary forest protection – Bermål in Lærdal
[Our translation. Letter is in Norwegian language] The purpose of this letter is to inform about the process which is now starting up under the Natural Diversity Act, and to invite participation and input from relevant parties. The deadline for…