On September 12th, UiB and partners are organizing a plastic clean-up campaign at the coastal area outside of Bergen. Sign up for a useful and social cleanup campaign here.
Category: Society
BIO at Arendalsuka
Foto: UiB The department was very well represented during Arendalsuka, which took place last week. Katja Enberg, Vigdis Vandvik, Lise Øvreås and Øyvind Fiksen (probably primarily present in his capacity as marine dean) all contributed during a number of events…
Young promising people with big visions: The winners of Student Camp 2024 – with BIO-student Hanna Sannes!
We congratulate Hanna Sannes (master’s student in biology) and her teammates Sigurd Nash Reksen and Fahim Anwar (both NTNU) with the victory in Student Camp 2024 which was part of this year’s NOR-FISHING fair in Trondheim! The winning group has…
Consultation: Proposals for changes to regulations on import, export, possession etc. of endangered species of wild fauna and flora (Cites regulation)
[Our translation] The Norwegian Environment Agency has submitted for consultation (25 June 2024) proposals for changes to regulations on import, export, possession etc. of endangered species of wild fauna and flora (Cites regulation). Demand for ownership certificate and marking for…
Artsdatabanken seeks experts for revision of the Red List for species.
[Our translation] We are now starting the process of revising the Red List for species. Experts with expertise in local/native [“stedegne”] species and ecology are encouraged to get in touch. Initially, we are looking for experts in large species groups.…
Join the EEA individual experts list
EEA is establishing a list of individual experts following a call for expression of interest to assist it in carrying out preparatory work in support of EEA’s activities with the main focus on the areas of Resource use, Circular economy…
Would you like to take part in a survey related to an EUPHRESCO project in plant and forest health?
[Norwegian language] From: euphresco prosjekt <euphresco.prosjekt@nibio.no> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2024 6:58 PM Subject: Spørreundersøkelse med formål om økt samarbeid og forskning innen plante- og skoghelsehelse. To relevant institutions related to agriculture and forestry in Norway NIBIO is contacting you…
Hearing on proposals for a new law on the protection of marine nature outside territorial waters
[Norwegian language] Dato 16. mai 2024 – Vår ref 24/1914 Klima- og miljødepartementet sender med dette på høring forslag til ny lov om vern av marin natur utenfor territorialfarvannet.
Invitation to give input to the Norwegian Environment Agency’s screening program for new, unregulated chemical substances
[Our translation] Hello We invite you/your institution to provide input to the Norwegian Environment Agency’s screening program for new, unregulated chemical substances. As last year, we are trying to change the input round somewhat, and hope this will contribute to…
UiB: New expert lists on nature conservation and sustainability at uib.no with strong representation from BIO
UiB represented by the Communication Divison publishes thematic expert lists within a number of socially relevant topics to make it easier for journalists and others to find relevant knowledge and expertise. New expert lists relating to nature conservation and sustainability…