Category: Society
Mobilization seminar: AI for trust and sustainability
When: 10. April 10-14 Where: Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5 Sign-up deadline: 2. april Read more and register here [Norwegian language]
Invitation to dialogue meeting regarding the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza
UiB wants to offer a meeting place for those affected by the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, and who feels the need to come together to share experiences, and give input to the university management. In order for…
EMB Ambassador Programme
The European Marine Board (EMB) Ambassador Programme, established in 2019, is a two-year programme aiming to increase awareness and engagement from early career scientists with current marine science-policy topics in Europe.
Hestad landscape conservation area – hearing of proposal for adjustment of conservation boundaries
[Our translation] The county governor of Vestland (Statsforvaltaren i Vestland) hereby submits a proposal for consultation on boundary adjustment for the Hestad landscape conservation area. The background for the border adjustment is that it may seem unclear where the borders…
Thu 15. Feb. NRC: General & Informative Webinar – Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership’s second joint transnational call (2024)
Please find information regarding the call below. 15. February, the Norwegian Research Council is hosting a digital information meeting. Sign up via the event website: General & Informative Webinar: Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership’s second joint transnational call (2024) | Bluepartnership
Wed 21 Feb. OCEAN FUTURES 2030: Science and diplomacy for ocean governance – our common ocean (Brussels)
21.02.2024 – 15.15–17.30 Mission of Norway to the EU, Norway House, Rue Archimède 17, 1000 Brussels Registration deadline: 16. February More info and sign up here
Thu 7. March. “Innspillskonferanse” for the EU’s 10th framework program for research and innovation
When: 07. mar kl 11:00 – 16:00 Where: Norges forskningsråd, Drammensveien 288, Oslo Suited for: Forskningsorganisasjoner, Offentlig sektor, Næringsliv, Departementer Sign up deadline: 6. March kl: 11am Read more and sign up here [Norwegian language]
UiB Ocean: Ideas for activities during One Ocean Week 2024 and financial support for interdiciplinary, ocean related activities
See the attached letter from UiB Ocean regarding (scroll down for English version): 1) 1) Do you have ideas for activities or meetings during the One Ocean Week 2024? Proposal deadline February 21st 2) Do you need financial support to…
HSE-action plan for 2024-2026 for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences – consultation
[Our translation] In September, the university board approved the draft of the new HSE action plan 2023-2026 for the University of Bergen. At the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MN) it was appointed a working group that was to…