[Our translation] Billion investment in artificial intelligence – AI for trust and sustainability. Letter from UiB, the Division of Research and Innovation [Norwegian language]
Category: Society
Consultation: Change to the Faculty’s name
The dean’s office at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has initiated a process to consider a possible change to the faculty’s name. The case has now been sent for consultation to all the faculty’s departments, the Michael Sars…
Youth visions of nature workshop: How can higher education contribute to a better future for nature? | Centre for Sustainable Area Management (CeSAM) | UiB
On December 5th, CeSAM and the UNESCO chair group organized a workshop for students and early career researchers – tying in with IPBES (Naturpanelet) holding a meeting in Bergen this week.
Høring – Genteknologiutvalgets utredning NOU 2023: 18 Genteknologi i en bærekraftig fremtid
[Norwegian language] Klima- og miljødepartementet har sendt NOU 2023:18 på høring med høringsfrist 22. februar 2024. Fakultetene orienteres med dette om høringen og bes vurdere å gjøre relevante fagmiljøer oppmerksom på muligheten til å gi høringsinnspill via departementets nettsider.
Report from input meeting for Stortingsmelding on climate and natural diversity in Bergen 27.11.2023 – led by Andreas Bjelland Eriksen, Ministry of Climate and Environment
[Norwegian language] Regjeringen skal i løpet av 2024 legge fram en stortingsmelding om naturmangfold for å følge opp den nye internasjonale naturavtalen, og en stortingsmelding om klima for perioden fram mot 2035 på veien mot lavutslippssamfunnet i 2050. Inger Måren…
News from the Plastic Network: Taking the temperature on the research front within plastics and microplastics
[Our translation] With a total of 115 registered participants physically and digitally, the Plastics Network at UiB, in collaboration with the Norwegian Society for Toxicology and Pharmacology, the Norwegian Institute for Water Research and the Institute of Marine Research, invited…
News from Khrono (opinion): the Norwegian research community with silent accept of ethnic discrimination
[Our translation] Norce has decided to shut the doors on researchers from “red countries”. This goes agains our liberal core values, but nobody cares. The statement is taken from Mikko Heino’s opionion in Khrono. Read the whole article in Khrono…
New article from uib.no/matnat: Teaching others to save the world
Professor Katja Enberg is group leader for Fisheries and marine biology at the University of Bergen. She has worked for a long time with the sustainable use of the sea’s fishing resources. In the summer of 2022, she taught 86…
News from uib.no. New report: Eat more small fish!
A new report from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization states that small fish are an underestimated source of nutrition and can contribute to solving challenges related to food security globally. The conclusion is that the world must eat more…
SECURE YOUR SPOT! Euractiv Hybrid Conference “Towards a sustainable future – What is the potential of the EU’s bioeconomy?” Thursday, 30 November 2023 | 12:30 – 13:45 CET
Towards a sustainable future – What is the potential of the EU’s bioeconomy? Thursday, 30 November 2023 | 12:30 – 13:45 CET REGISTER HERE