[Our translation/Google translate] Application procedure: Applications must be submitted to the department by knut.daasvatn@uib.no no later than 14 March 2025. A new round of applications can be opened in autumn 2025 (assessed and administered by the faculties). The deadline for…
Category: UiB News
UiB After Work at Nygårdsgaten 5 Friday March 14th
Everyone is welcome!
UiB Service centre for salary, travel and absence opened March 1st
Hello everyone! From 1st of March, you can contact the Service Centre for salary, travel, and absence if you need help with, for example, travel expenses, salary, holiday, the self-service portal, leave of absence, and more.
HSE info: Course in Risk Assessment and Safe Job Analysis April 2nd and 9th
The HSE and preparedness group at UiB is organizing a course in risk assessment and Safe Job Analysis (SJA) on April 2nd and April 9th. This course introduces legal requirements, risk and risk analysis, and how to specify probability and…
How will UiB contribute to solving the sustainability challenges? Welcome to rector election debate! Monday 3 March
What is UiB’s role in the major sustainability challenges facing the world? How do we best facilitate the development of the knowledge needed, and for it to be communicated where it is needed? Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET),…
NT rector election debate at VilVite March 7th
In the upcoming Rector election, there are to teams running. Team Hagen and Team Øvreås. On Friday the 7th of Mach from 12:00-13:00, both teams will take part in the NT election debate at the Nash Auditorium, VilVite. Team Hagen…
Establishment of the Shared service center for payroll, travel and absence at UiB starting March 1st 2025
Starting March 1st 2025, UiB establishes a Service center for payroll, travel and absence which will handle these services for the entire organisation.
UiB: Seminar on women’s health March 21st
[Our translation] Female employees at UiB have more than twice as much sickness absence as men. Women’s health has long been a low priority in medical research, which has led to gaps in knowledge, misdiagnosis and unequal treatment of women…
200 years of knowledge: Elida – The Poisoned Whale
During One Ocean Week, you can learn about Elida’s story at the exhibit “Elida – The Poisoned Whale.” The exhibit is a collaboration between the Marma-Detox Project at the University of Bergen, the University Museum of Bergen, and the Norwegian Orca Survey. Here,…
Reminder: Call – insentivmidler [incentive funds] and Uglepris 2025
[Our translation] UiB is announcing incentive funds for study quality for 2025. The incentive scheme will support development initiatives that contribute to strengthened study quality and increased throughput. For 2025, NOK 2,100,000 has been set aside for the incentive scheme.…