Globale samfunnsutfordringer (GSU) ønsker å stimulere til nye faglige samarbeidskonstellasjoner og lyser ut midler som kan søkes av vitenskapelig ansatte med hovedstilling ved UiB (inkludert postdoc og PhD kandidater).
Greetings from the Department – 19.08.2022
Earlier this week, I helped welcome our new bachelor’s and master’s students, as well as the students at Aquamedicine and Aquaculture. It was very nice. They seemed motivated, alert and expectant and they are looking forward to starting their studies in a completely new everyday life than they are used to. All of us who are involved in our study programmes know the importantance of molecular biology and biology. Now it will be our task to transfer our knowledge and enthusiasm about all our fields to our students. I’m sure we can do that. Many thanks to everyone in the study section and to those of you who are heading the respective study programmes, and to everyone else who has been involved in the start of the semester this week. My impression is that it has gone very well and next week classes will begin in full.
We are now in the process of publishing BIOnytt every Friday. That’s very good. And what’s even better is that every other Friday someone other than me will write the week’s leader. There will then be a round-up between “faggruppelederne” and the head of education. It will be good for everyone to hear about our activity from someone other than myself. I look forward to it.
There are many things which will mark this autumn and we have big tasks ahead of us. In addition to cost savings, area reduction, etc., we will also be evaluated by the Norwegian Reserach Council in their national evaluation of research in the Biological Sciences. I am concerned that we should of course achieve the top score where we deserve it. But we should not be afraid of not ending up in the top tier in all our subject areas. Regardless of the outcome, I want us to use this evaluation as a useful learning process where talented colleagues give us constructive input on how we can become even better. Remember that it is the department that is evaluated, not each of us. See for more information. We will return soon with information on how we run the process at BIO.
I wish you all a very good weekend.
Hilsen Ørjan
UIB Library Open Science Webinars – Autumn 2022
UIB’s library is offering a range of open science webinars this autumn.
ERC Proposal Reading Days – Bergen 24.08.22
The Research Council of Norway is organizing “ERC Proposal Reading Days” for researchers who are planning an application to the European Research Council (ERC).
NFR AURORA Mobility Programme – Researcher Exchange for New Collaboration Between Norway and France
The objective of the Aurora mobility call is to increase researcher mobility between Norway and France.