IPBES report – Wild species are key to sustainable development

SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH WILD SPECIES: A new report points out that sustainable exploitation of wild species is the key to a sustainable future. Fish and shellfish are the world’s largest source of animal proteins.
Daniel Lee, Unsplash

“Sustainable use of wild species is key to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals,” says Professor Jeppe Kolding at the University of Bergen. He is one of 87 international experts co-writing a new report out Friday 8 July 2022.

Greetings from the Department – 22.08.2022

Foto: Eivind Senneset, UiB

Hello everyone,

Welcome back after the summer holidays. Hope it has been good despite the somewhat miserable weather conditions here in the west.

It’s still a little quiet in the corridors, but next week we have lift off for the start of the semester. Despite our challenges with finances, we are still a place of study that offers committed, high-quality teaching. I am looking forward to meeting the new students next week and I know that they have great expectations of us and all the academic and social activities they will at the start of their studies and on through their student careers.

The autumn semester will be challenging. We are going to carry out the area reduction process, we have job freezes, we still have to reduce spending on operations and teaching assistance. I am completely convinced that we will be able to correct the financial challenges, even if it will take time and be challenging. We have spent a lot of time and effort on reducing and gaining control over our expenses over the past year. It has been absolutely necessary and I feel that we are beginning to gain control. We have to quickly start working even more intensively and purposefully on the income side; through the basic grant and not least through external financing. With as many outstanding professional environments as we have at BIO, combined with a good infrastructure and subject areas that are very relevant to society, I believe that we have good opportunities to increase our income in both of these areas. I look forward to working closely with the professional communities on this.

I am looking forward to the rest of the semester and wish you all a good weekend.


Lifte through the looking glass

Foto: EvoCELL

BIO researchers Francesca Pinton and Petra Kovacikova, are recently represented in the “Life through the looking glass” exhibitionThis online exhibition presents works-in-process of young scientists from the EvoCELL EvoCELL Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network. The researchers are studying animal evolution from a cellular perspective, by applying cutting-edge technologies to uncover a previously invisible world.

Read more in this article at the UiB Marin homepage

See Francesca and Petra’s online exhibition here:


BIO Reception week 25-26-27

In weeks 25-26 and 27, the BIO reception will have reduced staffing.

Each faggruppe must organize themselves so that packages are picked up when Claudia is not physically present in the expedition.