21-23 September. Workshop on Single Molecule-based Super-resolution Microscopy: from Acquisition to Analysis, from Theory to Applications

Dear Colleagues,

Are you studying proteins or RNAs in the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, or mitochondria ? Are you curious whether these molecules move freely or undergo confined movement, how fast and how far far they move, how they are dynamically arranged at nanoscale resolution in live cells, or how they change behavior after a pharmacological stimulation or in a disease model ? If so, then you should not miss this workshop at the Department of Biomedicine at UiB.

Greetings from the Department – 17.06.2022

Dear all,

Monday and Tuesday this week there was a teachers’ meeting, organized and funded by bioCEED. I was there and am left with many impressions. Perhaps most importantly, it was very inspiring to see so many committed colleagues discussing our teaching activity. And I also perceived that the professional-pedagogical competence is very high. And that the desire to share experiences in teaching is evident in everyone. The other thing I realized is that getting a sensible and correct academic content and consistency, both vertically and horizontally, in our courses of study in general is quite challenging, because the life sciences are so complex. And that is also what makes it especially exciting and rewarding to work with these questions. There is no single answer that we all agree is correct. I’m really looking forward to the further process. And many thanks to everyone who participated in and to bioCEED for organization and implementation. Very good!

The first round of transfer of specified areas from BIO to EIA (Estate and facilities management division) is now formally concluded. This means that we will have to vacate the disposed areas no later than 2 December this year (given a 6-month notice period). However, should EIA be able to find external tenants who want to use these areas at an earlier time, that would of course be in BIO’s interest, in order to reduce the rent cost for 2022. I don’t know as of now if this will be the case, but hope we will have more tangible information about the time-schedule just after the summer.
Many thanks to those of you who have already started the process of cleaning up, throwing away old stuff and moving. After the summer holiday, we must address this on a full scale.  The professional groups (“faggruppene”) will have an important function in planning and implementing the process, and of course we in the administration will contribute.

Dear everyone; This has been a very challenging semester for all of us. The economic situation has really taken hold of us with job cuts, area reductions, sharp reductions in operations, especially in teaching, and most recently, we had disturbing news of far-reaching austerity measures in the Research Council. In the middle of all this, we have kept the steam up at BIO.  I am impressed with how we have managed to keep our courage and willpower up and of course that we manage to deliver as well as we do in teaching and research, and we have achieved a lot. It is important that in the middle of all these challenges that we also celebrate our victories. Thank you so much for your efforts this semester. We should be proud of ourselves and we can soon take summer vacation with a clear conscience.

This will be the last BIOnytt before the summer (good news at the end: for the autumn semester, BIOnytt will be published every week). I want to thank you all for your excellent efforts this semester and I look forward to us tackling important tasks this autumn. I wish you all a really good holiday and hope you have the opportunity to relax in the sun.

Hilsen Ørjan

Alumnustreff – Gjensyn Jahnebakken

Alumnustreff for plantefysiologer og mikrobiologer 21. mai 2022. Foto: Gunnar Bratbak

Only available in Norwegian language

Alumnus treffet 21.mai 2022 hadde som føresetnad å samla så mange som mogeleg av dei som vart Cand. real eller Cand. scient. i åra fram til Instituttet vart flytta frå Jahnebakken 5 og til Marineholmen. Om lag 180 personar var på adresselista og ca. 110 var påmelde!