The admission numbers for our master’s and 5-year integrated master’s are now ready. For Fish Health and Aquaculture, all places are filled and that is very good. These two study programs have at least two applicants per study place and…
Month: August 2023
New member of staff: Vetle Holen
Hi! My name is Vetle, and I am the new intern here at BIO. I am sitting with Jarle in Expedisjonen, where I am learning new things every day. I am available to help with most odd jobs, if there…
Fri 22. Sep: PhD and PostDoc party!
Thu 14. Sep: Invitation for islet cleaning day
Dear all BIO would like to invite everyone in the department to the Islet cleaning day on Thursday the 14th of September. Deadline to register is the 29th of august, at 15:00 REGISTER HERE: Should you have any…
Alterations to curricula for the academic year 2024/2025
Any alterations to the curricula for the academic year 2024/2025, must be approved by the program boards and the department council by late September. It is a prerequisite that the proposed alterations are kept within the institute’s budget.
Wed Aug 30.: Input meeting for community mission sustainable feed in Bergen (VilVite)
Norwegian language Når 30. aug kl 10:00 – 12:15 Påmeldingsfrist: 28. august kl 23.59 Meld deg på
Next NORPART call is postponed until spring 2024
UiB has received a letter from HKDir stating that next NORPART call is postponed until spring 2024:
Norwegian Research Council: webinars on the INFRASTRUKTUR and FRIPRO calls
FRIPRO -information on the transition to an open-ended call Target group:Researchers who wish to apply to FRIPRO, employees who work with administrative support for those who apply. Registration deadline: September 12th kl 08.00 Digital: Live streaming 12 Sep 10:00 –…
UiB Ferd Newsletter for August 2023
The UiB Ferd newsletter contains information about upcoming activities and courses under the auspices of the career centre. Sometimes it will also include other information that is relevant to the further career for early stage researchers.
Two UiB calls with deadlines in September and October
Norwegian language Utlysning av midler til forprosjekter og faglig pilotarbeid 2023 – UiBs Humaniorastrategi søknadsfrist 29. september 2023 Retningslinjer Søknadsskjema Sluttrapport Midler til samarbeidsprosjekt og faglige møteplasser innen Globale samfunnsutfordringer 2023 søknadsfrist 2. oktober 2023