Month: October 2023
Applications for support for diversity and equality measures in scientific communities
[Our translation] Applications Applications for support for diversity and equality measures should be sent to the faculty in ePhorte on this letter’s case number by Friday 27 October 2023. Proposals from BIO should be sent to Nina Hølland no later…
Consultation – Comprehensive management of aquaculture for sustainable value creation
[Norwegian language] Det vises til vedlagte invitasjon til å høringen om «Helhetlig forvaltning av akvakultur for bærekraftig verdiskaping». Fakultetene gjøres med dette oppmerksom på høringen og kan informere relevante fagmiljøer om muligheten til å gi innspill til høringen. Det vil…
Stipend for science journalism!
[Our translation] Dear friends, We have the pleasure of announcing our own Stipend for science journalism Apply for 50.000,- for journalism on science and research Application deadline is 15. november
Call for nominations for experts for the methodological assessment on monitoring biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people assessment
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has published this call for experts. Read the call here
Pint of Science Bergen is Recruiting Volunteers
Dear All, My name is Inés, and I serve as the Bergen city coordinator for Pint of Science in Norway. We are recruiting volunteers to help us find speakers and organise the next festival. You can find more information about…
bioCEED newsletter – Quarter 3 – 2023
UiB Ferd Newsletter October/November 2023
24-inch monitors are given away
We have inherited a number of old 24-inch monitors from the IT department. They are from around 2012 and have Display Port, DVI and VGA inputs but no HDMI. Some of them have a few small scratches and such but…
Vacancy: Research Scientist/Biological Oceanographer, Zooplankton Ecologist
Vacant position at Gulf of Maine Research Institute. Read the job advertisment here