Month: January 2025

Peer Community In (PCI)

Insanely big money is being made by commercial publishers and this indirectly contributes to maintaining science as an exclusive club that many worldwide cannot afford to join. On the contrary, Peer Community In (PCI) is a non-profit, researcher-led, public-funded publishing system…

IRISCC Call for Peer Reviewers

Dear all, As communications contact points for the partners in the IRISCC consortium, we kindly ask for your support in promoting the Call for Expression of Interest to Volunteer as a Peer Reviewer for the IRISCC Transnational Access.

Environmental Toxicology grouop at the NSFT winter meeting

[Our translation] Many of the Environmental Toxicology Group’s members participated at Norsk Selskap for Farmakologi og Toksikologi’s winter meeting at Beitostølen (23.1-25.1). The group was well represented in the program with lectures by Anders Goksøyr, post doc. Maria Miguez, and…

Editorial – 24.01.2025

Tekna, the trade union for natural scientists, technologists, and students, recently organized, in collaboration with the Fish Health group at BIO, a meeting on the  education program in fish health.