Dynamic insight into the inner workings of the proteostasis network 9.15 – 10.00 Seminarrom 439C1 (“Inkubatoren”), 4.et. Bioblokken Eller digitalt – kontakt Sandra.Ninzima@uib.no for lenke
Author: mbika
1 Dec. PhD lecture, Camila Pacheco Riano
Climate change impacts of tropical biodiversity 13.00 – 13.45 Lille auditorium, Datablokken
2. Dec. PhD-defense, Ragnhild Gya
Disentangling effects and context dependencies of climate change on alpine plants 13.15 – 16.00 VilVite, Nash Auditorium Read the press release (Norwegian language)
2. Dec. Sars guest seminar, Nadine Vastenhouw
The spark of life. A role for nuclear organization in transcription regulation. 13.30 – 14.30 Sars seminar room, 2nd floor, Bioblokken
5-6 Dec. Invitation for student wrokshop: Det ekstreme er her. Nå.
Norwegian language Bli med på tverrfaglig studentworkshop for å finne løsninger med utgangspunkt i Nordområdene! Program og påmelding: Det ekstreme er her. Nå. | Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | UiB
Spring 2023: 10 ECTs course on quantitative methods in virus ecology and bioinformatics
Autumn 2023. Online course: Introduction to Virology
ERC Proposal Reading Day – Bergen 07.12.22
NFR is organizing an “ERC Proposal Reading Day” in Bergen for researchers who are planning an ERC Consolidator or Advanced Grant application in 2023.
Erasmus+ 2023: Increased by 120 millioner euro
Norwegian language I dag offentliggjorde Europakommisjonen utlysningene i Erasmus+-programmet for 2023. Totalbudsjettet forventes å være på rundt 3,7 milliarder euro.
Open Digital Café: Horizon Europe Cluster 6 – Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture & environment
When: 25. januar kl. 09:00-09:50 NFR welcomes all researchers who are interested in preparing project proposals, or just curious about the possibilities of this cluster, to an open digital café.