UIB’s library is offering a range of open science webinars this autumn.
Author: sjoukjek
ERC Proposal Reading Days – Bergen 24.08.22
The Research Council of Norway is organizing “ERC Proposal Reading Days” for researchers who are planning an application to the European Research Council (ERC).
NFR AURORA Mobility Programme – Researcher Exchange for New Collaboration Between Norway and France
The objective of the Aurora mobility call is to increase researcher mobility between Norway and France.
Horizon Europe Workshop for BIO researchers May 30, 2022
On Monday, May 30th, BIO hosted the Horizon Europe Workshop led by Senior Advisors, Hiwa Målen and Emmanuel Babatunde from UIB’s Division of Research and Innovation / Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen (“FIA”). Head of Department, Ørjan Totland, opened the meeting to…
NFR Webinar: MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN) 2022
When: 20 June 2022; 09:30-11:30 Where: digital Registration deadline: 16 June 2022. More information
Invitation: Open presentation meeting about benefit and risk assessment of fish in the Norwegian diet
Tirsdag 7. juni overleverer Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø (VKM) resultater fra en nytte- og risikovurdering av fisk i norsk kosthold til Mattilsynet.
JRC Scientific trainees – Call for expression of interest – deadline 31-05-2022
The JRC has launched the second call for Scientific Trainees. Applicants can choose from an extensive number of fields, some of which also include laboratory experience. Deadline for applications 31.05.2022. More info
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships – Applicant Workshop 2022
On June 14th UIB will be offering a (digital) Proposal Writing Workshop for any applicants wishing to apply for a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship with UIB as host institution to the next deadline on September 14th 2022.
Nordforsk: Call for proposals for the programme Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change
Climate change will affect agriculture and influence food and feed security in the Nordic and Baltic regions in several ways. The aim of this call is to focus on sustainable agriculture. Deadline: 19 May 2022. Full call text
The UN Decade of Ocean Science – Communication and Dissemination
The objective of the call is to support dissemination and communication projects that increase ocean literacy among the general public and makes it easier to use research-based knowledge. Application deadline: Open-ended; Call text