Application deadline: 16.11.2022 Funding scale: 2 250 000 NOK Amount of funding presumed available for this call for proposals: up to 2 250 000 NOK Project duration: 12 months
Category: Calls
Call: Research for the Norwegian Food Safety Authority
Research organizations can apply for 4-8 million for projects that can acquire more knowledge about user behavior in connection with animal health and animal welfare.
5 ukers sommerprogram for bachelorstudenter, søknadsfrist 6 januar 2023
Norwegian language only Fulbrightkontoret gjør oppmerksom på søknadsfrist 6.januar, 2023, for «Study of the U.S. Institutes» for bachelorstudenter.
Call: The UN Decade of Ocean Science – Communication and Dissemination
Application deadline: Open-ended Funding scale: NOK 50 000-400 000 Amount of funding presumed available for this call for proposals: NOK 1 150 000 Project duration: 1-24 months
Norwegian Taxonomy Initiative: Call for project proposals on taxonomic inventories of poorly known species
Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC) has opened the call for project proposals on taxonomic mapping/inventories that focus on poorly known species groups in Norwegian territory in the Northern Hemisphere. Application deadline is 16 November, 2022 (13:00)
Call: Call for mobility applications – north2north program
North2north is the mobility program in the UArctic network. UiB sends one institutional application for n2n funding. Application deadline is September 30 2022 for activities in the spring semester 2023.
Utlysning: WUN Research Development Fund 2022
Norwegian language only Intern frist for å søke er 2. oktober. Søknaden sendes til: Mer informasjon om utlysningen ved UiB finnes HER
Planned Call: Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges
The purpose of this call is to develop new knowledge and generate competence needed by society or trade and industry to address important societal challenges.
Planned Call: Knowledge-building Project for Industry
The purpose of this call is to develop new knowledge and generate competence in the research organisations needed by society or the industry sector to address important societal challenges.
Påminnelse – utlysning av forskningsmidler fra Dyrevernalliansens forskningsfond
Norwegian language only Fondets formål er å støtte forskning av god vitenskapelig kvalitet som bidrar til å fremme dyrs interesser. I 2022 vil det bli utdelt inntil 1.500.000 kroner. I år er det også en egen utlysning på 720.000 kr…