PhD fellow Ragnhild Gya and her research project is the theme for episode 3 of the NRK TV-series “Klimavenn”. NRKs omtale av episoden: Hva skjer med vegetasjonen når klimaet endrer seg og temperaturen stiger? Kommer lavlandsplantene til å krype helt…
Category: Communication
Research Data Management and Scholarly Communication – UiB Library seminars V2023
The UiB University Library continues its popular Open Science seminar series in spring 2023 with a number of webinars on Research Data Management and Scholarly Communication. Both the Research Council of Norway and Horizon Europe assess Open Science in research…
New from the journal Naturen
Norwegian language Tidsskriftet Naturen har tildelt Fægriprisen for 2022 til Lars Egil Helseth fra Universitetet i Bergen for artikkelen “Smarttelefonen som utendørs redskap”. Artikkelen ligger åpent tilgjengelig for alle ut februar.
Skriv for Naturen!
Norwegian language Er du ph.d.-student ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet? Da er det mange gode grunner til at du bør skrive en artikkel for tidsskriftet Naturen:
30. Nov. Nå ut med forskningen i media
Norwegian language 30.11.2022 – 12.30–15.00 Les mer og meld deg på her
BIFF displays two documentaries and their role in “saving the world”, followed by a discussion with a panel of researchers from NORCE and NIVA. Read more (Norwegian language)
Kunnskapseplet 20. October – Kelp Epiphytes: the Orchids of the Sea
13.15 – 14 Bibliotek for matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fag, Realfagsbygget
UiB research news webpage
The Rector’s office has established a news page for research, where they will collect research related news from all over UiB. The page is located as a separate tab on UiB research page.
Fri 14. Oct, UiB seminar: Make your research visible using researcher profiles
This seminar will demonstrate how to use ORCID and other researcher profiles to showcase your work. 10.00 – 10.45 Zoom (you will receive the link after signing up) Register here (registration deadline: 13. oktober)
Martine Røysted Solås became runner-up in Forsker Grand Prix Bergen
We congratulate Martine Røysted Solås with second place in this year’s Forsker Grand Prix Bergen!