Who: U. Rashid Sumaila, University of British Columbia When: 10.15-12.00 Where: Stort auditorium, TM55 Talk from U. Rashid Sumaila on Ocean sustainability. Rashid is Professor and Canada Research Chair in Interdisciplinary Ocean and Fisheries Economics at the Institute for the…
Category: NatTek news
Here you will find information and news from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MatNat).
New system for booking rooms via Outlook
This semester brings along an update to the meeting room booking system for the Faculty. The new system, which works through Outlook, is a general modernization that is put in place to make it easier for every employee to book…
Invitation to apply for the course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education
Dear All, The course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education (MNPED660) is an elective teaching and learning course in higher education offered by bioCEED and MN-UiB to all MN-UiB staff and count as part of the basic pedagogical competence…
Seven new excellent teaching practicioners at the Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences
Norwegian language Kjersti B. Daae, Maria Jensen, Anne Bjune, Sehoya Cotner, Bjarte Hannisdal, Jorun Nyléhn og Vigdis Vandvik blir tatt opp i fakultetets pedagogiske akademi, og skal bidra til å øke kvaliteten på utdanningen ved fakultetet. Les hele saken på…
Four new excellent teaching practitioners (ETPs) from BIO!
BIO already has three ETPs (Excellent Teaching Practitioners) from before who are members of the pedagogical academy at the faculty. Yesterday, four new ones from BIO received this title. I congratulate Sehoya, Jorun, Anne and Vigdis on this prestigious appointment…
Do you want to become a student ambassadeur at the MatNat Faculty? Extended deadline: 31. May 2023
Norwegian language
Do you want to become a student ambassador for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences?
Norwegian language Application deadline: 22. May 2023
Thu 20th Apr, Horizon lecture
Seabed Mining & biodiversity conservation 15.45-16.16 – Light refreshments 16.15-17.45 – Lecture Egget, Studentsenteret
Nomination of student candidates for the MN Faculty Board
Dear all, We need proposals for Group D (students) to the faculty board and the institute boards,both female and male candidates.
Thu 16. Mar, Kunnskapseplet: How can we avoid an apocalyptic post-antibiotic era?
14.15-15.00 Mathematics and Natural Sciences Library, Realfagsbygget