Impacts of Aquaculture Waste on Microalgae Communities and Bioprospecting Potential 11.15-11.45 Digital – contact for link
Category: BIO News
Greetings from the Department – 23.08.2024
Dear colleagues, I hope you all had a nice and relaxing summer holiday, and that getting back to work again after the holidays is going well.
Early Career Researcher Getaway at the Marine Biological Station («Espegrend»)
Last week, 20 BIO early-career researchers gathered for a very enriching two-day retreat at the Marine Biological Station (“Espegrend”). Together, we brainstormed exciting ideas for future ECR events, and took part in a workshop about career development led by Signe…
BIO at Arendalsuka
Foto: UiB The department was very well represented during Arendalsuka, which took place last week. Katja Enberg, Vigdis Vandvik, Lise Øvreås and Øyvind Fiksen (probably primarily present in his capacity as marine dean) all contributed during a number of events…
Young promising people with big visions: The winners of Student Camp 2024 – with BIO-student Hanna Sannes!
We congratulate Hanna Sannes (master’s student in biology) and her teammates Sigurd Nash Reksen and Fahim Anwar (both NTNU) with the victory in Student Camp 2024 which was part of this year’s NOR-FISHING fair in Trondheim! The winning group has…
The Norwegian Directorate of Health is carrying out GMO inspections at BIO on 10-11 September
The Norwegian Directorate of Health will conduct an inspection in accordance with the Gene Technology Act. The inspection will most likely be 11. September, but the actual schedule for the inspection is not yet known.
Wed 28. Aug. Master’s presentation Finn Morten Bloch-Johnsen
In-depth study of the immune response of children and pregnant women after influenza vaccination in rural Bangladesh 14.00-14.30 Inkubatoren (Room 439C1), 4th floor Bioblokken, Thormøhlensgt 55
Thu 29. Aug. Master’s presentation Emil Johnsen Loe
Towards a More Robust Salmon: Using CRISPR/Cas9 editing to increase protein levels in Zebrafish and Atlantic salmon 9.00-9.30 Zoom. Contact Linda Hjørnevik ( for link
Greetings from the Department – 16.09.2024
Dear all, Welcome back from the summer holidays and to the new semester. I have had the great pleasure of meeting many of our new students this week. We are recording a record number this year; 68 on master’s in…
New member of staff – Ingeborg Kahrs
Hi everyone, My name is Ingeborg, and I’m excited to start my four-year PhD in parasitology and immunology here at BIO. Originally from Oslo, I’ve been living in Bergen for the past 10 years.