Category: BIO News

Greetings from the department 22.09.2023

Dear all, I hope that all who are involved in teaching this semester have had a good start and that planned activities run well. Together with Beate and Anne Marit, I am now working on the course budgets and other…

Islet cleanup day September 14th

Last Thursday (14,09) almost 50 amazing people traveled from BIO to Marinbiologisk station at Espeland. Everyone was putt to work collecting plastic and cutting away unwanted vegetation, with great effort from all participants we were able to rid the islets…

New system for booking rooms via Outlook

This semester brings along an update to the meeting room booking system for the Faculty. The new system, which works through Outlook, is a general modernization that is put in place to make it easier for every employee to book…

Representation and guests – regulations

Many of you have visiting guests from time to time, or are responsible for larger or smaller events. In this connection, we would like to remind you that there is a fairly clear and straightforward set of regulations relating to…

Fri 22. Sep. Master’s presentation, Lisa Hagevik

The effect of aerobic training on immune response in post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) when infected by salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in small-scale close containment system When: 12.15-13.45 Where: Knekken, 3. et, Bioblokken, TM55

Fri 22. Sep. PhD defense, Peng Yin

Decoding Springtime Oxidation in Postsmolt Atlantic Salmon: Implications for Redox Signaling and Growth Tid: 10.30-12.30 Sted: Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret eller Zoom webinar: