Category: BIO News

Tue 19. Sep. MolBIO seminar, Renate Skoge

From bench to product – how VIS can help create impact and realize research ideas Time: 9.15-10.00 Place: Room 439C1 (“The Incubator”), 4th floor. Bioblokken TM55 MolBIO seminar calendar fall 2023

Greetings from the department – 8.9.2023

I have been away from Marineholmen since the end of April 2022, first four months at Statsraad Lehmkuhl across the Pacific, and then on a research term at the University of Helsinki. The return to BIO as the new group…

What happens to biodiversity in rivers? Article in Nature

Norwegian language Hva skjer med biologisk mangfold i elver? Vi har undersøkt utviklingen av biologisk mangfold i Europas elver de siste 55 årene. I studien analyserte vi trender i biologisk mangfold av insekter og andre vannlevende smådyr ved hjelp av…

Substitute/new HR contact person

As mentioned in Julie’s leader 18. August, Mathilde Høgalmen who is the Department’s contact person/admin officer in HR-matters, will be on leave from October.  Therese Myhre Odfjell will be our new contact person for HR during Matilde’s leave. We ask…