Morphometric Relationships as Indicators of Sexual Maturation in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) When: 13.15-13.45 Where: Knekken, 3. et, Bioblokken, TM55
Category: BIO News
Thu 28 Sep. Master’s presentation, Annette Enoksen
Smitteforsøk med Lepeophtheirus salmonis på Oncorhynchus gorbuscha og Salmo salar When: 10.15 Where: Seminar room K3, 1. et Biologen, B-blokken
Thu 28 Sep. PhD-defense, Mowgli Dandamudi
Development of chemogenetic tools from invertebrate ion channels Tid: 13.00-15.00 Sted: Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret Les pressemeldingen om doktorgraden
New member of staff: Zoran Sargac
Hello everyone! My name is Zoran Sargac and I am a new Postdoc research fellow at the Department of Biological Sciences as a part of SEAS programme.
Reminder – restrictions in the transfer of holiday days to 2024
Dear colleagues, this is a gentle reminder of our current restrictions on the transfer of holiday. As you are well aware, we are in a period of cost cutting. One of the cost items that has been reviewed is the…
Tue 19. Sep. MolBIO seminar, Renate Skoge
From bench to product – how VIS can help create impact and realize research ideas Time: 9.15-10.00 Place: Room 439C1 (“The Incubator”), 4th floor. Bioblokken TM55 MolBIO seminar calendar fall 2023
Greetings from the department – 8.9.2023
I have been away from Marineholmen since the end of April 2022, first four months at Statsraad Lehmkuhl across the Pacific, and then on a research term at the University of Helsinki. The return to BIO as the new group…
FN har i dag vedtatt en viktig rapport om fremmede arter – nyhetssak fra
Norwegian language UiB professor Vigdis Vandvik har vært med å skrive Naturpanelets nylige vedtatte globale rapport om fremmede arter som danner et viktig kunnskapsgrunnlag for arbeidet med mål nr.6 i FNs naturavtale. Les saken her:
What happens to biodiversity in rivers? Article in Nature
Norwegian language Hva skjer med biologisk mangfold i elver? Vi har undersøkt utviklingen av biologisk mangfold i Europas elver de siste 55 årene. I studien analyserte vi trender i biologisk mangfold av insekter og andre vannlevende smådyr ved hjelp av…
Substitute/new HR contact person
As mentioned in Julie’s leader 18. August, Mathilde Høgalmen who is the Department’s contact person/admin officer in HR-matters, will be on leave from October. Therese Myhre Odfjell will be our new contact person for HR during Matilde’s leave. We ask…