Dear all BIO would like to invite everyone in the department to the Islet cleaning day on Thursday the 14th of September. Deadline to register is the 29th of august, at 15:00 REGISTER HERE: Should you have any…
Category: BIO News
Alterations to curricula for the academic year 2024/2025
Any alterations to the curricula for the academic year 2024/2025, must be approved by the program boards and the department council by late September. It is a prerequisite that the proposed alterations are kept within the institute’s budget.
Wed 30. Aug. PhD mid-term presentation, Andreas Midlang
Characterizing and modelling the effect of Mechano transduction in the development of a chordate nervous system 14.00-14.30 The Sars seminar room, 2. floor Bioblokken
Thu 31. Aug: Master’s presentation Sofie Breisnes Wormdahl
Effect of simulated saturation diving on dopamine synthesis regulation 11.00-11.30 Room 439C1 (the N-terminal), 4th floor, Bioblokken
Greetings from the Department – 18.08.2023
Dear colleagues, With this, my first working week after the summer holidays is complete, and it is a pleasure to experience that we are back at it again. It’s been so nice to see you all again! On Monday morning…
New member of staff – Jarrod Cusens
Hi, my name is Jarrod and I have rejoined BIO as a postdoctoral research fellow after a short break since defending my PhD here in May.
PhD mid-term presentation, Inés Fournon Berodia
The function of the Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) signalling pathway during starvation-induced degrowth in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis 14.00-14.30 Michael Sars Seminar room, 2nd floor., Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Greetings from the Department 11.08.2023
Welcome back from holiday to those of you who are already in place and to those who will arrive later. I hope you have rested and relaxed, at least mentally, and that you are now full of energy and motivation…
Applications for access to research installations at BIO, Marineholmen RASLab and within the operating agreement UiB/ILAB autumn semester 2023
Søknadene må være de respektive ansvarlige i hende innen 20. august. Application form:
Invitation to apply for the course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education
Dear All, The course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education (MNPED660) is an elective teaching and learning course in higher education offered by bioCEED and MN-UiB to all MN-UiB staff and count as part of the basic pedagogical competence…