Dear all, It is appropriate to start with something that I believe to be good news. Although the accounts for 2022 have not been officially closed yet, it seems that we have almost managed to maintain a financial balance in…
Category: BIO News
Economy update 20.01.2023
Course budgeting After the pilot study last autumn, we are now planning to carry out budgeting for all our courses. It is Anne Bjune, Beate who is studying and Anne Marit Blokhus who will carry out this work which is…
PhD fellow Ragnhild Gya in NRK’s TV-series “Klimavenn”
PhD fellow Ragnhild Gya and her research project is the theme for episode 3 of the NRK TV-series “Klimavenn”. NRKs omtale av episoden: Hva skjer med vegetasjonen når klimaet endrer seg og temperaturen stiger? Kommer lavlandsplantene til å krype helt…
BIO seminar on stress adaption in elephant seals: Thursday February 23 at15.00
Dear all, it is a pleasure to invite everyone José Vazquez-Medina’s seminar on stress adaptations in elephant seals, a topic of relevance to anyone interested in cell and molecular biology, physiology, organismal biology, ecology and environmental toxicology, see abstract below.
Greetings from the Department – 13.01.2022
Dear colleagues, I had hoped that this week I could give a summary and status of the financial year 2022, and not least tell how we fared. On Friday 06 January, the financial year 2022 was closed, but it will…
16 Jan. Mid-term presentation, Vera Radisic
Wastewater as a source of population-based surveillance of antibiotic resistance and dissemination of antibiotic resistance in the marine environment 14:15-15:00 Seminar room K2, A-blokken, Biologen
17 Jan. PhD defense, Mathilde Lindivat
Development of flow cytometry-based techniques for assessing microbial inactivation after water disinfection and downstream processes 11:00-13:00 Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret or digital:
17 jan. MOLBIO seminar, Lakshmi Narasimha Murthy Chavali
Metabolic Profiling of NAD and behavior investigations in DJ-1 deficient Zebrafish 9:15-10:00 The Incubator (room 439C1), 4th floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret or digital – contakt for link
17 Jan. Master’s presentation, Torill Synnøve Johansen
Environmental DNA metabarcoding for diversity-based assessment of a landlocked fjord system: a comparison with traditional methods 10:15-10:45 Conference room A, Thormøhlens gate 51 (VilVite)