A happy team deservedly happy with their effort having represented BIO in this year’s Stoltzekleiven opp! From left to right: Endre Lyge, Hilde Armo, Selina Våge, Julie Skadal, Knut Olav Daasvatn and Sigurd Stefansson
Category: BIO News
Greetings from the Department – 23.09.2022
On approach to Bergen Airport, one can observe a particularly beautiful coastal and fjord landscape, with the university’s marine biological station (MBS) close by.
Tuesday 27. September. PhD-defense, Ferenc Tibor Kagan
Maternal gene evolution from a comparative perspective 9.15 Digital: https://tinyurl.com/bddcxj9x Press release (Norwegian language)
Ocean TuniCell AS får Bergen kommunes etablererpris for 2022
Norwegian language only Under innovasjonsfestivalen OPP tirsdag 20. september 2022 ble selskapet Ocean TuniCell AS med professor Eric Thompson på laget tildelt Bergen kommunes etablererpris for 2022.
Where to find first aid heart starters at BIO
We would like to make everyone aware that we have 3 first aid heart starters (AED – Automated External Defibrillator) on our premises. Please click on the links below to see an image of the location of each (you need…
Safety delegate election for 2023-2024
This autumn, election of safety delegates for the period 2023-2024 will take place: https://www.uib.no/hms-portalen/81815/valg-av-verneombud
Limitations in transfer of holidays
Dear colleagues, this is a gentle reminder of our current restrictions on the transfer of holiday.
Thursday 22. September. Master’s presentation Karoline Nedrebø
Characterization of the pregnane X receptor (PXR) from European hake (Merluccius merluccius): cloning, ligand activation, and bioinformatical analyses 10.00 – 10.30 Zoom (contact Lill.knudsen@uib.no for link)
Greetings from the Department – 16.09.2022
The autumn semester is well underway and we are doing great work, in challenging times. I would like to commend you all for your efforts, in teaching as well as research. I would like to highlight the results from the…
15. September. Master’s presentation, Øyvind Andersen
Body-snatcher from the deep? The effect of the parasitic copepod, Sarcotretes scopeli (Jungersen, 1911), on its mesopelagic fish host 13.15-13.45 Seminarrom K1+K2