[Norwegian language] From: euphresco prosjekt <euphresco.prosjekt@nibio.no> Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2024 6:58 PM Subject: Spørreundersøkelse med formål om økt samarbeid og forskning innen plante- og skoghelsehelse. To relevant institutions related to agriculture and forestry in Norway NIBIO is contacting you…
Category: Society
Hearing on proposals for a new law on the protection of marine nature outside territorial waters
[Norwegian language] Dato 16. mai 2024 – Vår ref 24/1914 Klima- og miljødepartementet sender med dette på høring forslag til ny lov om vern av marin natur utenfor territorialfarvannet.
Invitation to give input to the Norwegian Environment Agency’s screening program for new, unregulated chemical substances
[Our translation] Hello We invite you/your institution to provide input to the Norwegian Environment Agency’s screening program for new, unregulated chemical substances. As last year, we are trying to change the input round somewhat, and hope this will contribute to…
UiB: New expert lists on nature conservation and sustainability at uib.no with strong representation from BIO
UiB represented by the Communication Divison publishes thematic expert lists within a number of socially relevant topics to make it easier for journalists and others to find relevant knowledge and expertise. New expert lists relating to nature conservation and sustainability…
For your information: Hearing – NOU 2024:2 In interaction with nature – Natural risks for industries, sectors and society in Norway
[Our translation (using google translate)] The Ministry of Climate and Environment invites the university to provide input to NOU 2024:2 In interaction with nature — Natural risks for industries, sectors and society in Norway by 15 June. The faculties are…
HK Dir: The education quality award (Utdanningskvalitetsprisen) for higher education 2024
Submit nominations for the award by Tuesday 30 April at 12.00 noon. The prize of one million kroner rewards outstanding work with educational quality in higher education. Read more and submit your nomination for the award [Norwegian language]
BIO participates in HavExpo May 6-8
The Department of Biological Sciences is participating in the HavExpo exhibition, which takes place from May 6th to 8th at Straume Sports Park, Sotra. We have a stand that we hope will be well visited, and we have also coordinated…
Opportunity for input: Horizon Europe ‘main’ work programme 2025
The European Commission has launched a pilot for co-designing the work programme 2025 for Horizon Europe, as a supplement to the traditional work in the programme comittees. The Commission is going to use AI to analyse the answers to the…
Mon 6 May, NFR. Dialogue meeting on the establishment of a European innovation network for water, marine and maritime ecosystems and sectors
The Research Council, Innovation Norway and the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills invite to a dialogue meeting in connection with The European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) planning to announce a new Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) with…
Tue 7 May, NFR: From breakthrough technologies to game changing innovation – EIC opportunities (seminar)
Are you working with breakthrough technology with market potential? European Innovation Council (EIC) could be an instrument to support you on this journey.