The air supply for the laboratory ventilation will be shut down during the annual service / filter change on the ventilation systems in Thormøhlensgt.55 Bioblokk
Category: Technical info
Service ventilasjon Thormøhlensgt 53 A/B uke 25
Dear all, In connection with the annual service / filter change on the ventilation systems in Thormøhlensgt. 53 A / B, the following facilities will be affected in week 25.
Inspection of the fume cupboards at Biologen 19-16 June
During week 25, between Monday 19th and Friday 23rd of June, Caverion will perform the yearly inspection of the fume cupboards at Thormøhlensgt. 53 A / B. In cooperation with Caverion, the cupboards need to be emptied. Caverion will be…
Application for research cruises 2024
The application portal for cruises using the Institute of Marine Reserach’s vessels is now open. Application deadline: 25. August 2023. Deadline for prioritizing and approval of applications: 1. September 2023. Attachment 1 – informasjon om søknadsprosedyre (Information on the application…
Information about construction and maintenance work Thormøhlensgate 55, May 2023
Scope of work In connection with the project to replace ventilation units in the data block Thormøhlensgate 55, the following works that could affect users of the building are planned in week 18,19 and 20: • Friday 05.05: Work on…
The BIO reception during Easter 2023
The BIO reception is closed during Easter (April 3 – April 10). The reception is open as usual from Tuesday 11 April. Rita Karlsen takes care of package deliveries on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week.
The sequencing facility – limited opening hours
The sequencing facility’s opening hours will as of now be reduced to two days per week – Tuesdays and Fridays. We expect that the processing time for samples will remain as before.
Parking controls in the area between Thormøhlensgate 55 and Thormøhlensgate 53 A-B-C-D
It has been decided to introduce parking controls for the area between the buildings. This area has until now been a “free zone”, which has resulted in a lot of unauthorized parking.
Use the sequencing facility!
BIO have our own sequencing facility for Sanger-sequencing. This is now placed in the 2nd floor of “Biologen” A-block – in the corridor parralell to the administration:¢er=5.332266,60.380696&zoom=18&campusid=340&sharepoitype=poi&sharepoi=1000723342
Plass på forskningsinstallasjoner ved BIO, Marineholmen RAS Lab og innenfor driftsavtalen UiB/ILAB vårsemesteret 2023
Norwegian language Søknadene må være de respektive ansvarlige i hende innen 20. januar. Søknadsskjema: