Our translation: ChatGPT in teaching and assessment at UiB (Norwegian language) How can and should ChatGPT be used by students and staff at UiB? In this lab breakfast, we get a brief introduction to what language models such as ChatGPT…
Category: UiB News
The University Museum: “Soya de siste 100 år”. Seminar Friday 15. September
Welcome to seminar on soya 15. Sept. (14.30 – 16.30) at the University Museum. Sign up: Soya de siste 100 år (uib.no)
FN har i dag vedtatt en viktig rapport om fremmede arter – nyhetssak fra UiB.no
Norwegian language UiB professor Vigdis Vandvik har vært med å skrive Naturpanelets nylige vedtatte globale rapport om fremmede arter som danner et viktig kunnskapsgrunnlag for arbeidet med mål nr.6 i FNs naturavtale. Les saken her: https://www.uib.no/matnat/164566/fn-har-i-dag-vedtatt-en-viktig-rapport-om-fremmede-arter
Horizon Europe: Your pathway to collaborative projects. UiB event October 3rd 2023
Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5, 3 October, 2023
To employees and students who have local administrator access on a UiB PC
If you do not need administrator access to any UiB PC, you may ignore this e-mail. This autumn we are working on IT security measures for the entire university, to protect UiB PCs and data. See news article in På…
Wed 27 Sep. Breakfast seminar – The good working environment
Norwegian language Arbeidsliv i endring – hva med arbeidsmiljøet ? Digitalt frokostseminar onsdag 27.september på Zoom kl.0830-1000
Winds of Change and Streams of Solidarity: Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe in the 21st Century in the University Aula, 4-5 September 2023.
On 4 and 5 September 2023, the University of Bergen, in collaboration with a group of distinguished global partners, will organise an international conference under the title Winds of Change and Streams of Solidarity: Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe in…
Fri 15. Sep. Join the biggest plastic clean-up of the year!
On 15 September, the stage is set for this year’s edition of the clean-up campaign “Clean Hardangerfjord”. The plastic network at UiB invites both students and staff to come along to Hardanger to make a difference. Read more and sign…
Universitetet i Bergen inviterer til nasjonal konferanse om livslang læring/etter- og videreutdanning i høyere utdanning 7. – 8. november 2023
Norwegian language Velkommen til Bergen i november, til konferansen Livslang læring for samfunnet. Deltakerlisten vokser hver dag, vi anbefaler å være rask for å sikre seg plass!
UiB Ferd Newsletter for August 2023
The UiB Ferd newsletter contains information about upcoming activities and courses under the auspices of the career centre. Sometimes it will also include other information that is relevant to the further career for early stage researchers. https://ekstern.filer.uib.no/bio/Informasjon/2023/UiB_Ferd_Newsletter_August_2023.pdf