Norwegian language only
Night at the Aquarium – State of the Ocean
Akvariet i Bergen 30. september kl 19-23.
Norwegian language only
Night at the Aquarium – State of the Ocean
Akvariet i Bergen 30. september kl 19-23.
Tid: 01.11.2022
Sted: FIA, Jekteviksbakken
Påmeldingsfrist: 04.10.2022
Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen, Jekteviksbakken 31
Registration deadline: 18.10.2022
This course for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences provides candidates with the tools to efficiently manage their research projects and publish the results. Completed course including participation and activities can be credited with 1 ECTS credit (25-30 working hours) in the dissemination part of the training component.
For PhD candidates across Norway working on AI linked topics, Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA) is planning two important activities in November.
Intern frist for å søke er 2. oktober. Søknaden sendes til:
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