Collaborative Software Development School 19th-30th of June 2023

Photo: Svein Arne Selvik/UB

Are you an early career researcher in the Humanities and Social Sciences [the summer school is open to students from all diciplines] who want to use digital methods but not sure how to get started? This course is targeted at participants with very little prior experience with programming with the aim to improve your programming skills to a level that can benefit your research.

Greetings from the department 3.3.2023

Most of you are now aware that BIO’s research strategy for the next 10 years (?) is to focus on scientific topics through retirements, i.e., the individual researcher who is not retired will have the opportunity to focus on far more topics than before. In addition, he will have the opportunity to teach a wider range of topics than today. But it does not end there, as they will also have the opportunity to write far more applications for research funding at BIO in order to bring the Department’s budget into balance. This is a job for those who like challenges since, as we known, less funds are allocated to NRC. What is also certain is that the intake of new students to BIO’s teaching programmes should not be reduced, as that would reduce the department’s income while at the same time the remaining researchers would have fewer students to teach and supervise.

Among the programs that benefit from these new challenges are fisheries biology and fish health. The “blue university” likes to challenge the academic staff in important areas of focus. In fish health, we will lack three positions in fish pharmacology, fish bacteriology and fish virology in 2025, but we can solve this by, for example, having the person who teaches histopathology take over virology, and then the person who teaches parasitology takes over histopathology, and the person who teaches immunology takes over parasitology… … and this is how the matter can be resolved. If we switch topics often enough, we will always have someone who can teach a given topic. The fact that the individual will cover several teaching topics also opens the possibility for them to apply for projects within a far wider



Are Nylund

Head of the Fish health group (Faggruppe fiskehelse)

Report from the “PRIMA Learning” jellyfish workshop in Cape Town in February 2023

The participants in front of the course venue, Iziko South African Museum

Last week, an international workshop on the identification of gelatinous zooplankton was held in Cape Town. The workshop was organised as part of a mobility project (PRIMALearning) between the University of Bergen (UiB), Norway and the University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa.

UiB establishes stipend for green master’s theses

Students at all Faculties at the University of Bergen can now apply for the newly established stipend Grønn master (Green master’s).  The stipend is aimed at inspiring students to write master’s theses on climate, environment and sustainability.

Read the whole article in PåHøyden (Norwegian language): 

Insentivordning for studiekvalitet

Norwegian language

Formålet med insentivordningen er å tilrettelegge for utviklingstiltak som skal bidra til økt studiekvalitet og til økt gjennomstrømning. Søknadsfrist i 2023 er 24.mars

I 2023-potten ligger det kr 1,250 000 som inkluderer 100 000 til årets Uglepris.

  • Søknadsfristen er 24.mars for insentivmidler.
  • Søknadsfristen for Ugleprisen er 31.mai. 

Les utlysinga:

Tilskotsordningar for å styrke tilgangen på fleksibel og desentralisert utdanning

Norwegian language

Do you have a good idea? Seek support!

Interested in innovation? Get up to NOK 500 000 funding to develop your idea

UiB idé gives employees and students the opportunity to apply for support to test and develop good innovation ideas.

The maximum funding amount is NOK 500,000 for researcher projects, and NOK 100,000 for student projects. The application deadline is the 31st of March 2023. The program budget is NOK 2,000,000.

6-7. Mar. SalmonCity – Students meet the seafood industry

Norwegian language

Vil du være en del av Norges største møteplass for studenter og sjømatnæringen? Da bør du være med på andréutgaven av SalmonCity den 6. og 7. mars 2023 på Kulturhuset i Bergen! SalmonCity er et arrangement som passer alle studieretninger, og en unik mulighet til å lære mer om Norges viktigste næring.

Mer info og påmelding her: