Development of Na+, K+ ATPase enzyme activity, and the effects of different transfer times and short-term starvation on gill, kidney, and intestine during smoltification and SW acclimation of Atlantic salmon When: 10.15-10.45 Where: Zoom – contact for link
Month: December 2023
Wed 13 Dec. Master’s presentation by Sebastian Braathen
Vgll3 knockout as a means to delay male maturity during large smolt production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) When: 10.15-10.45 Where: Seminar room K1/K2, Biologen, blokk A
Thu 14 Dec. PhD trial lecture, Lotta Landor
Single-cell methods in microbiology – Current state and remaining challenges When: 11.15-12.00 Where: Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
Fri 15 Dec. PhD defense, Ronja Göhde
Secretory vesicle protein homologues in choanoflagellates When: 10.15 – 13.00 Where: Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
Fri 15 Dec. PhD defense, Lotta Landor
At what cost? Attempting to quantify cost of resistance in bacterium-phage interactions When: 17.00-19.00 Where: Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
Welcome to the NOKUT-conference 2024: Kvalitet i klemme?
[Norwegian language] Hei, NOKUT inviterer til konferanse 8. februar 2024, og nå er påmeldingen i gang.
Winter School in “Quantitative Seascape Ecology of Marine Plankton” – Paris, 4-8 March 2024
Greetings from the Department – 1.12.2023
Dear all, At the time of writing, many of us are at a teachers’ meeting at Voss. The main themes are guidance and the way forward with the development of teaching quality after bioCEED is no longer an SFU. Both…
News article from bioCEED: Student Poster Symposium at BIO, Autumn 2023
5 courses at BIO held a joint poster symposium for their students on Tuesday 28 November. 150 students presented a total of 50 posters. Read more in bioCEED’s news story about the symposium. There you will also find a link…
HSE-meeting and Christmas gathering
Dear all Welcome to HSE-meeting and Christmas gathering. Here is the tentative agenda for the meeting. It will start at 12:00 with mingling and coffee at VilVite big auditorium. The Christmas gathering will take place at the cantina at HIB…