Author: mbika

Greetings from the Department – 6.05.22

Hello everyone, First some info about the relocation process: We have not yet made any final decisions on which areas we will dispose of. I fully understand that you are impatient and want to know. However, at the same time…

New colleague – Julien Seguinot

My name is Julien Seguinot, and I have recently started on a three-year project at the department of biological sciences. I am originally from France, and previously worked at Stockholm University in Sweden, GFZ Potsdam in Germany, ETH Zürich in…

MolBio seminar Tuesday 10. May

Regulatory T cells in endocrine autoimmunity Anette Susanne Bøe Wolff, Department of Clinical Science Tuesday 10. May 9.15 Digital, contact for link