Norwegian language Kjære kollega, I samarbeid med AAC&U annonserte vi i desember en utlysning til å delta i Norwegian Panorama Virtual Exchange/COIL Partnerships Initiative: U.S., Japan and South Korea. (Søknadsfrist 20. februar).
Category: Calls
Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships – information and application writing seminars
The application deadline for Erasmus+ Cooperation Partneships is 22. March 2023, see HK-dir’s webpages for more info (Norwegian language) Leading up to the deadline, HK-dir offer the following webinars: Information webinar on Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships 26. January, and Appliation writing…
The Utrecht Netwoork’s Young Reserachers grant for 2023-24. Deadline 6. Feb.
Please find below information about the Utrecht Network’s Young Researchers grant for 2023-24. The network is awarding 20 grants of €1,000 to MA or PhD students who want a research stay at one of the UN partner universities for a…
UiB’s trust funds (including the L. Meltzers Høyskolefond). APPLICATION DEADLINE 23. JANUARY
The application deadline for UiB’s trust funds and the L. Meltzers Høyskolefond is 23. januar 2023. The application portal opened 2. January.
Call for mobility applications – north2north program
North2north is the mobility program in the UArctic network. UiB sends one institutional application for n2n funding. Application deadline is 26. february 2023. Send application form to: Adrian Kjær
REMINDER: deadline to register intended NFR proposals is December 14th
If you have plans to apply as coordinator (or partner!) to a NFR call in February 2023 please find the department’s internal deadlines below. Note the 14 December deadline to register your proposal(s) in skjemaker. If participating in more than one application,…
FRIPRO young talents call: Application deadline is set
Norwegian language 25. november ble det klart at Forskningsrådet får 1,64 milliarder kroner gjennom nysalderingen av statsbudsjettet. Dette betyr blant annet at vi kan tildele midler til Forskerprosjekt for unge talenter i 2023 og søknadsfristen blir 15. mars 2023. Mer om…
2023-2024 Call for Proposals from the Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study at UC Berkeley
Dear Colleagues: The Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study supports projects carried out by researchers at UC Berkeley in collaboration with researchers from eight Norwegian universities. The Center offers grants between $10K and $25K. Funds are made available for two…
Akademia-avtalen. Utlysning av såkornsmidler og feltkursmidler i 2022
Norwegian language Styringskomiteen i Akademia-avtalen har besluttet å lyse ut såkornsmidler og midler til feltkurs for 2023. Såkornsmidler skal stimulere til prosjektutvikling i tråd med satsingsområdene angitt i utlysningen. Søknadsfrist er 6. januar 2023.
Are you considering to apply for status as Excellent Teacher Practitioner (ETP)
If you intend to apply for ETP – send your application (1 pdf file) to Beate Ulrikke Rensvik ( to be uploaded and sent in ephort (the document/archive system). Deadline: 1. December Read the call (Norwegian language)