Norwegian language I dag offentliggjorde Europakommisjonen utlysningene i Erasmus+-programmet for 2023. Totalbudsjettet forventes å være på rundt 3,7 milliarder euro.
Category: Calls
Open Digital Café: Horizon Europe Cluster 6 – Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture & environment
When: 25. januar kl. 09:00-09:50 NFR welcomes all researchers who are interested in preparing project proposals, or just curious about the possibilities of this cluster, to an open digital café.
MSCA Staff Exchanges (SE) – Webinar on the call for 2022
Time/Place: 14 Dec 09:30 – 11:00; Digital: Live streaming, video recording will be available The SE action funds short-term international and inter-sectoral exchanges of staff members involved in research and innovation activities of participating organisations. The aim is to develop…
Cluster 6 Matchmaking Event
Brussels based RDI offices from Cyprus, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia are organizing an online matchmaking event on 2 December for Horizon Europe’s Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment. You can find the agenda here and register…
Eggvinfondet lyser ut ett stipend på kr. 20.000,- til en masterstudent i marine fag
Norwegian language Eggvinfondet lyser ut ett stipend på kr. 20.000,- til en masterstudent i marine fag. Studenten må ha en tilknytning til Nordnorge. Les utlysningen
20-23 Feb. PRIMA Learning Workshop on Using Stable Isotopes to Analyse Trophic Interactions in the Marine Environment
20-23 February 2023; Iziko Natural History Museum, Cape Town, South Africa
Internal deadline and routines for applications towards NFR call deadline February 2023
If you have plans to apply as coordinator (or partner!) to a NFR call in February 2023 please find the department’s internal deadlines below. Note the 14 December deadline to register your proposal(s) in skjemaker. If participating in more than…
NFR news regarding 2023 Proposals
NFR information webinars NFR has arranged a number of information webinars pertaining to calls of the next application round. The streamed recordings can be found via the link below.
Call for applications for the Letten Prize 2023
The call for applications for the Letten Prize 2023 is now open. The application deadline is February 6th, 2023. See the criteria for Letten Prize applications See the application form
Funds for Organisational Support (OS) for the academic year 2022/23
The Division of Student and Academic Affairs has published a call for OS-funds (Organisational Support) for the academic year 2022/23. Application deadline: running