Category: HSE

Feedback after completed GMO inspection at BIO

The GMO inspection was carried out by the Norwegian Directorate of Health on Tuesday 10 September at BIO’s premises. They were particularly interested in the live facilities (T55-1.floor), zebrafish lab and fly lab. In addition, the teaching lab in the…

Safety delegate [verneombud] election 2024

During the autumn of 2024 there will be held elections to select safety delegates for the 2025-2026 period. At UiB safety delegates at all levels are elected, so the election is conducted in three parts: •    Local safety delegates •  …

HSE update: Risk assesment and chemical spillage

BIO’s HSE handbook is constantly updated with new information. HSE-handbook for Department of Biological Sciences | Department of Biological Sciences (BIO) | UiB A description for handling chemical spillage was recently added to the HSE handbook as a measure after…