Category: BIO News
Do you need a quiet(er) office for a periode?
Even if measures have been made to reduce the level of noise from the boat placed at the dock outside Biologen/Høyteknologisenteret, the noise may still be disruptive in some offices at times. If you need a quieter workplace, please contact…
Tue 28. Nov. Student Poster Session
Everyone is warmly welcome to the student poster symposium for the following BIO-courses: BIO250 Palaeocology BIO201 Ecology BIO300A Academic Writing MOL231 Project in Molecular Biology BIO299 Research Practice in Biology All posters will be on display in the mezzanine area…
Bikuben Vol. 2 is out!
The second edition of Bikuben student journal is now available online at You may read all articles on our website or download the whole issue as PDF here.
Fri 24. Nov. PhD trial lecture, Jessica Leyla Fuller
How does inter- and transdisciplinary scholarship contribute to our scientific knowledge systems? Tid: 10.15-11.00 Sted: Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
Wed 29. Nov. PhD trial lecture, Ronja Göhde
The endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) system: functions, evolution and role in disease? When: 10.15-11.00 Where: Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
Greetings from the Department – 10.11.2023
This week I and several others in the group are at meetings in Turkey and Tromsø. Such meetings, seminars and conferences with associated long journeys can be important and necessary, but take a lot of time and cost a lot…
Status update on the ongoing noise-issues due to work in Store Lungegårdsvann
The Estate and Facilities Management Divison (EIA) represented by Jan-Terje Nygaard, continuously follows up the noise situation related to the gravel laying work in Store Lungegårdsvann and the work boat which is located at the quay outside TM53/55. Several measures…
Follow the marine biology students on field cruise!
Follow the BIO235 Marine biology students on their field cruise this fall : Ralfag UiB at Instagram: Realfag Uib at Facebook:
From sailing expedition to research paper
“Teaching sustainability at the high sea: the “One Ocean Expedition”” has now been published in the renowned journal Sustainability Science. The article shares experiences from the UiB summer course “SDG 200 Ocean-Climate-Society” on the voyage’s first leg across the Pacific…