Aimed at: PhD students (but everyone is welcome) When: 24. November (13 – 16h) and 25. November (9 – 12h) Where: Biologen Blokk A K1+K2 Please sign up here: ! Deadline is 20. November 2022
Category: BIO News
25 Nov. Trial lecture, Mathilde Lindivat
Opportunities and challenges in using flow cytometry for studies on farmed fish 9:15 Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
25 Nov. Master’s presentation, Øyvind Kjærgård Masdal
DNA metabarcoding in diet assessment of a re-established otter (Lutra lutra) population in southern Norway 14.15 – 14.45 Seminarrom K1/K2, Blokk A, Biologen
Innmelding av behov for undervisningsassistanse og gjesteforelesere vår 2023
Norwegian language Som alle vet er det fremdeles stillingsstopp på BIO, så det må søkes om all innleie. Dette gjelder både gjesteforelesere og assistenter til emner til våren. Ingen kan ansettes før disse er godkjent. Bruk lenken: Frist for…
Internal deadline and routines for applications towards NFR call deadline February 2023
If you have plans to apply as coordinator (or partner!) to a NFR call in February 2023 please find the department’s internal deadlines below. Note the 14 December deadline to register your proposal(s) in skjemaker. If participating in more than…
Economy update 11.11.2022
Budget 2023: the distribution of the Faculty’s budget for 2023 is still ongoing, and we do not yet know the final figures. But as mentioned in this column earlier, we expect the 2023 budget to be tighter for everyone.
Greetings from the Department 11.11.2022
Hei! This week’s update come from us technicians at BIO. Many of us are currently busy moving laboratories. It is not an easy process! There is much to be done and much to decide on. How do we want to…
Are you receiving a visiting researcher?
We have updated the routines related to visiting researchers and published these on the BIO-staff page at Mitt UiB. There you will find the following documents: Gjesteskjema (guest info form, Norwegian language) Flytskjema (flow-chart, Norwegian language) Velkomstbrev til gjesteforskere (Welcome…
14. nov. Mid-term evaluation, Natascha Bartsch
14.15 – 15.00 Room 439C1 (“Inkubatoren”), 4th floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret Development and function of sensory cells in Nematostella
17 Nov. Ph.d. prøveforelesning, Sarah M. Stoppel
14.15 – 15.00 Room K1 + K2, A-blokken, Biologen Virus in the marine environment, ecological importance and role as pathogens for marine animals