Category: BIO News

Nytt debattinnlegg: La oss bruke naturen smartere

«Utbygging av fornybar energi har tradisjonelt sett ført til store naturinngrep. Fornybar kraft har lagt grunnlag for norsk industrivekst og velstand i godt over hundre år. Dersom teknologien skal hjelpe oss gjennom det grønne skiftet og inn i framtidas fornybarsamfunn…

Greetings from the Department – 29.03.2024

It was with great sorrow that we at BIO received the news that Ingunn Wergeland passed away last week. Ingunn was the administrative leader at the Sea Lice centre for excellence in innovation and truly left a lasting impression as…

The HSE handbook in new format

The HSE handbook has been updated and is now available in a new format on BIO’s website. HSE-handbook for Department of Biological Sciences | Department of Biological Sciences (BIO) | UiB

BIO216 Toxicology-students visited Equinor

On Tuesday this week, the students in BIO216 went on a company visit to Equinor at Sandsli. The students learned more about Equinor’s extensive use and handling of chemicals, risk assessments, toxicity testing, environmental impact and HSE. A shift to…

In memory of Ingunn Wergeland

Kjære kolleger, det er med stor tristhet at jeg videreformidler informasjon om at Ingunn Wergeland har gått bort. Ingunn jobbet på BIO tidligere, som administrativ koordinator på Lakselussenteret.