In-depth study of the immune response of children and pregnant women after influenza vaccination in rural Bangladesh 14.00-14.30 Inkubatoren (Room 439C1), 4th floor Bioblokken, Thormøhlensgt 55
Category: BIO News
Thu 29. Aug. Master’s presentation Emil Johnsen Loe
Towards a More Robust Salmon: Using CRISPR/Cas9 editing to increase protein levels in Zebrafish and Atlantic salmon 9.00-9.30 Zoom. Contact Linda Hjørnevik ( for link
Greetings from the Department – 16.09.2024
Dear all, Welcome back from the summer holidays and to the new semester. I have had the great pleasure of meeting many of our new students this week. We are recording a record number this year; 68 on master’s in…
New member of staff – Ingeborg Kahrs
Hi everyone, My name is Ingeborg, and I’m excited to start my four-year PhD in parasitology and immunology here at BIO. Originally from Oslo, I’ve been living in Bergen for the past 10 years.
New member of staff – Thomas Tollaksvik
Hello! My name is Thomas, and at the beginning of July, I started my 4-year PhD-term here at BIO. My PhD-project is in collaboration with the Fish Immunology Group and is supervised by Anita Rønneseth.
Greetings from the Department 21.06.2024
Dear all, First of all; many congratulations to Gyri, Mari and Alistair on new FRIPRO projects. It is fantastically good and impressive. I am very happy for you and BIO. Three out of four new projects in pioneering research (FRIPRO) at UiB are associated with BIO!
The Research Council has recently allocated funds to 21 new projects in pioneering research, also called FRIPRO. Four of these projects are led by researchers at the University of Bergen – three of these are affiliated with the Department of…
“Teknikerforum” summer party Tuesday June 18th
This Tuesday, 20 technical staff joined “teknikerforum’s” summer party at the Marine Biological Station (MBS) at Espeland.
Mon 24 June. Master’s presentations: Tiffany Ngan, Eline Stava and Charlotte Ryen
Tue 25 June. PhD defense, Kristine Fjordheim
Flower imprints from the history of mires and humans 10.15-12.15 Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret See the webcalendar for details [Norwegian language] Read Kristines press release [Norwegian language]