Pasteurella atlantica: The story so far 9.15-10.00 The incubator (room 439C1), 4th floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Category: BIO News
Thu 31 Oct. PhD defense, Shalaka Kiran Patil
Diversity and dynamics of microbial communities in Arctic permafrost- and Pingo systems with special focus on methane oxidizing bacteria 10.15-12.15 Zoomwebinar:
Greetings from the Department
Hello everyone, As many may already know, I have stepped into the role of head of education for BIO. This is a temporary position for Anne Bjune, who has a well-deserved year off from research.
BIO survey on internal information and communication – final report
Internal communication and information was one of 3 prioritized follow-up points after the working environment survey that was carried out in the autumn of 2023. In the spring of 2024, a working group was set up with the task of…
Safety round at BIO between October 21st and November 12th
Next week we are starting the safety rounds at BIO. A survey has been sent out in advance of the safety rounds, covering both work in the offices and in the laboratories. So far, 95 people have responded to the…
Fire drill at Biologen (Thormøhlensgt 53A/B) October 15th – summary
On Tuesday, 15th October, we had a fire drill at the 53A/B building. The aim was to practice evacuation and effective information flow. The evacuation was not as quick as previously (4 minutes, April 10th, 2024, our record, so far)…
Thu 24 Oct. Master’s presentation, Thea Fossum Krog
Developing mRNA vaccines for Atlantic salmon – mRNA optimization and vaccination. 13.30-14.00 Zoom – contact for link
Fri 25 Oct. PhD defense, Jessica Tengvall
Unravelling the implications of natural mortality in fisheries management 10.15-12.15 Lille auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Greetings from the Department – 11.10.2024
We at BIO are leaders in the bioscience research environment, and it is our responsibility to ensure that we continue to stay at the forefront of research. In our time, this means that one of the most important prerequisites for…
Summary of the most important changes passed in the program board meetings in September
Specialisations in the master’s in Biology to be merged from 2025 The faculty has long wanted to move away from specialisations on the master’s programs. The program board for the bachelor’s and master’s program in biology has decided to merge…