Greetings from the Department – 13.01.2022

Foto: privat

Dear colleagues,

I had hoped that this week I could give a summary and status of the financial year 2022, and not least tell how we fared. On Friday 06 January, the financial year 2022 was closed, but it will still take some time before we can say what the result for the year was. The finance office is working on the accounts, and they expect to have the numbers ready for reporting 18 January. I will keep you updated as soon as we have the reports in hand.

Regardless of how things went in 2022, ahead of us is spring’s most beautiful adventure: the NFR application deadlines. We started work on this already last year, when we informed about deadlines for expressing interest, and the milestones for the time leading up to the deadlines. The first application deadline already hits us Wednesday 08 February. There are also application deadlines of 15 February and 15 March. In the run-up to the applications, the project economists will prepare a budget in accordance with BIO’s guidelines for budgeting. The guidelines were updated last November:

Finally, the budgets will be reviewed and approved by me before submitting the application.

And why is this relevant to you if you are not applying for the NFR this year? Then you know that both the project economists and myself will get quite busy as the deadlines approach, and that it may not be as easy to be flexible and available at short notice. We spend a lot of time on this because it is important for us to get quality applications with the appropriate budgets and rates. I think we all realize how important external funds are to us, and in the years ahead it will only become more important. These applications will potentially be our research, professional development and income in the years to come, and the work put in now before the application deadline is valuable to us. I wish all applicants the best of luck and thank everyone else for your patience during what will be a hectic but fun period.

Beste hilsen, Julie


Julie Stavnes

Head of administration

8. Feb. NoviFEED workshop i Bergen

Together with colleagues at SPAROS (Portugal) and Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Bergen and as part of the NoviFEED project Professor Ivar Rønnestad is organizing a workshop on the impacts of dissolved oxygen on salmon farming. Both virtual and physical attendance is possible. Prof Sigurd Handeland will chair the event.

Greetings from the Department – 6.1.2022

Foto: Eivind Senneset, UiB

Dear all,

Welcome back after a well-deserved Christmas break. I hope you have all rested and recharged all your batteries, so that we are ready to embark on a new semester with new opportunities and challenges.

MolBio seminars spring 2023

Mitosis. Stage four.
Foto: Colourbox – Andreas Hejnol

We are starting again with the MolBio seminar series. If you would like to be added to the list of speakers or just join as a member of the audience, please contact Sandra Ninzima ( for more information and to be added to the mailing list ; or just join us in the Seminar room “Incubator” (BioBlokk, 4th floor, 439C1).

MolBio seminars spring 2023


The BIO reception is closed as of 24 December.

Open as usual from Monday 2 January.

Delivery of packages to the reception area is possible the 27th, 28th,29, 30th December.

Each research group must themselves make sure any freeze / refrigerated packages that arrive is taken care of.


THE INTERNAL MAIL SERVICE will run as normal during Christmas.

THE CAMPUS BUS will not be running during week 52

and will be out of service from Tuesday 27. December to Friday 30. December.  First day of service is Monday 2. January.


Economy update 16.12.2022

Foto/ill: Colourbox

Here is the latest status of the financial work for the year. This week we have mainly reviewed proposals for financial measures that we will work on in the spring semester 2023.

Among other things, it is planned to work with course budgeting and the course portfolio.